4.37pm 17th December 2024 - <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/growing-the-game/">Growing the Game</a> <br>The USGA has published details of the very latest golfer participation trends in the US based on information gained from scores posted under the <a href="https://www.usga.org/content/usga/home-page/get-handicap.html?utm_source=ghin&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=gah">World Handicap System</a>.<br>With 3.35 million golfers posting over 77 million scores in 2024, the WHS contains first-person data that offers a one-of-a-kind snapshot of how the game was played this year in the United States at a macro level. The USGA’s latest ‘<a href="https://u7061146.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.gqh-2BaxUzlo7XKIuSly0rC10Q9cXLxOpNikVl37hV8DxNxV0h600vD7nZJ6c0pNUdkfFOaxDQmb-2BybEYrtRhHVro2Xs2YENwWq3HDDsvIr0wWV2y9ugyX-2BUli-2B9Q-2BN-2Fn2xOAxu3Oc-2BHAn3TGZWKoiqlZKzDwXvEjFympjNkIozag-3DUsbB_-2F6-2B98zQGXWgQBhizjcgwWw-2BMwKfQozuAq174TjOruTlwizkQVJ-2F-2B7oNys5yubEV7-2BCG59WfY-2FlTU-2BxwRiIydnxask7oGrWGjOgWA05R39ryYOsO-2BGonyWKhgpTFMTrIIQI08DdhuW7BWqAlhphvksWGFFWG5z5jvOV3YbmfZnAnOUbE5mhbItB6u5Y3nECEGvTF2woqY6P76VsuB7Qk-2FLC2rqRxSAeCtV12sW5n8MZ5rfMBXrgbmvtW-2BLVgeCi3QK1ds4uCfzc-2B9gwo0IKhzMfhSopOFUiuYK4iRG-2Fl5u8JJaatpdlDfOs-2BCGnZc487FF64a3oqfl-2FoqWFs3xp2OZokODsz0ONqVDFpB82NSd5w-3D">Golf Scorecard</a>‘ report also compares data going back to 2020 to reveal trends about the game at the recreational level.<br>The data release coincides with a completely redesigned Golf Handicap Information Network ‘Rewind’ experience going live to all users of the <a href="http://www.GHIN.com">GHIN mobile app</a> presented by Sentry, which enables golfers to see their personal year-in-review. <br>The data set used for both the Golf Scorecard and GHIN Rewind runs from January 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024. As the calendar turns to 2025, users can interact with an updated GHIN Rewind in January to see a complete picture of their 2024 golf game.<br>Looking at the 77 million-plus scores posted in 2024, and comparing that to WHS data going back to 2020, trends include:<br>“It’s been exciting to see year-over-year trends develop as the World Handicap System has matured, shedding light on how and where the game is being played in the US,” said Steve Edmondson, USGA Managing Director of Handicapping and Course Rating. “We’ve been able to use that data to inform recent Rules of Handicapping changes, including updating how 9-hole scores are treated for handicap purposes, based on the record popularity in playing nine. We’re grateful for our Allied Golf Associations in support of this work and are excited to give players more insight into how the game is being played across the country.”<br>Showcasing an entirely new layout, the 2024 GHIN Rewind highlights a more evolved GHIN user experience, with more data points to offer golfers a comprehensive review of their year. The features include:<br>“Heading into our third year of GHIN Rewind, our team wanted to go deeper on golfer data, and I think users will be really excited by the new GHIN Rewind experience,” said Tom Padula, USGA senior director of GHIN. “Buoyed by data, GHIN Rewind is just the latest development of GHIN app, where our recent free trial launch has opened doors for many more golfers. We’ve seen amazing support from our partner in Sentry and can’t wait to unveil more new features to improve the golfer experience in 2025.”<br>The GHIN app is fully integrated with the World Handicap System, which the USGA also oversees in its governance function, to ensure fair and equitable play for all golfers. More than 3.3 million golfers in the US alone maintain a Handicap Index, across a wide range of playing abilities. <br><strong>For more information about the GHIN app and its features, visit <a href="https://u7061146.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.b00YhNV2Nr0-2BaZn7eVNAddwpOejQ0V4SF9gsmtCpAzE-3DUz6F_-2F6-2B98zQGXWgQBhizjcgwWw-2BMwKfQozuAq174TjOruTlwizkQVJ-2F-2B7oNys5yubEV7-2BCG59WfY-2FlTU-2BxwRiIydnxask7oGrWGjOgWA05R39ryYOsO-2BGonyWKhgpTFMTrIIQI08DdhuW7BWqAlhphvksWGFFWG5z5jvOV3YbmfZnAnOUbE5mhbItB6u5Y3nECEGvTF2woqY6P76VsuB7Qk-2FLLhsrQbRpEOO-2FoK4QvL0j-2F4BEFKxDfUnWKJDFzRqcOkP-2B-2FWicw4p6RzCsG1Npm5tbhIb-2Bwg-2FXYHi0ll-2FwmUJQNXU4uB2ffgDvjsGYEjIlHuxaOitTmvonLzjhoZ7sbepXxbEVKxBS-2BitoSVVEJKWAlk-3D">www.GHIN.com</a>.</strong><br>Salgados Golf Club in Portugal has started work on a €3.2 million renovation of its 18-hole golf course, along with further investment in its golf facilities, including a new cart fleet.<br>The Manor House Golf Club in Wiltshire is reinvesting back into its golf course this winter as it moves ahead with several major improvement projects.<br>COBRA Golf has unveiled its new range of DARKSPEED ADAPT drivers, fairways and hybrids, all of which will be at retail from mid-January.<br><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/growing-the-game/usga-publishes-key-trends-and-data-from-whs-scores-in-2024/" rel="noopener" data-via="eGolfBusiness" data-hashtags="GolfBusinessNews">Share on Twitter</a> <br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/growing-the-game/usga-publishes-key-trends-and-data-from-whs-scores-in-2024/&title=USGA+publishes+key+trends+and+data+from+WHS+scores+in+2024&source=GolfBusinessNews.com" rel="noopener">Share on LinkedIn</a><br>GolfBusinessNews.com (GBN) is for the many thousands of people who work in the golf business all around the world.<br>We cover the full range of topics both on and off the course. 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