<span>Track & Field</span> <time pubdate="" datetime=" January 24, 2025"> January 24, 2025</time> <span>Autumn Sander</span> <br> <span>Track & Field</span> <time pubdate="" datetime=" January 24, 2025"> January 24, 2025</time> <span>Autumn Sander</span> <br>The meet will be conducted in accordance with NCAA rules. No adaptations for age will be made to events. Masters athletes may only enter the events that are designated Masters for this event. All running events will be run as heats against time finals except the 60m and 60m Hurdles. The fastest seeded heat will run first. In the horizontal jumps and the throws, the top 9 qualifiers will advance to the final. For seeding purposes, TFRRS marks from 2022-2025 will be considered. Placement in Heats/Flights will be at the discretion of the meet management staff.<br> <br> The Alachua County Sports Complex @ Celebration Pointe. The Jimmy Carnes Track is a 200m banked, 6 lane track with 8 lanes of Mondo on the sprints runway. It also has 2 raised horizontal jump runways, 1 raised pole vault runway, 1 throws cage with landing area, 1 throws circle with landing area, and a high jump area on the sprint lanes. The facility also has 2 warmup lanes on the east side of the building near the clerking area.<br><time pubdate="" datetime="01.20.25">01.20.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="01.16.25">01.16.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="01.13.25">01.13.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="01.13.25">01.13.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="01.10.25">01.10.25</time><br><time pubdate="" data-bind="formatDate: video_date, format: 'MM.DD.YY'"></time><br>Thanks for visiting <a class="b3soovirh-modal__text-host"></a>!<br>The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy.<br>We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here.<br>Thank you for your support!<br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMirAFBVV95cUxPUTQ2ZEExMGdmdk5wSWd6d3ZHQUMwV3liam8teGM5cnhUemJxcENKV3Rad185MHpmckpKX0N0c2h6WWNUTGF0WUR3UjBHSjhMeFQ2NVZHUldYVjN2a0Rpck9Iekxad1RhQ0ZHMmxEU1ZEVkpUVzlyTjJucTBjbzMzbERKOVVrTHMzR25CSjB0R2gyVUZVMFNLOGtPOWptVzRfQ0tZLW91ZUFURi1i?oc=5">source</a>