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Updated: January 26, 2025 @ 12:32 am
Vermont Community Newspaper Group
Plans filed in Vermont’s Act 250 database show a new three-story condo will contain 31 residential units. The building will also include a parking garage with room for 38 vehicles, and a new 140-seat assembly hall with an adjacent 12-seat boardroom and outdoor patio will also be built.
Plans filed in Vermont’s Act 250 database show a new three-story condo will contain 31 residential units. The building will also include a parking garage with room for 38 vehicles, and a new 140-seat assembly hall with an adjacent 12-seat boardroom and outdoor patio will also be built.
Topnotch Resort is building a new condominium and assembly hall while renovating and expanding its lobby and restaurant space.
Plans filed in Vermont’s Act 250 database show a new three-story condo will contain 31 residential units, which general manager Matthew Wheeler confirmed as luxury condos in line with a general plan to update the resort’s overall look.
The building will also include a parking garage with room for 38 vehicles, and a new 140-seat assembly hall with an adjacent 12-seat boardroom and outdoor patio will also be built.
Along with new construction, the resort’s main lobby will be expanded and the restaurant, currently called Flannel, will be renovated. The existing parking area will be expanded to accommodate higher parking demand.
The resort also plans to invest in upgrading the existing pedestrian crossing that allows access across Mountain Road to its amenities on the far side of the road and the rebuilding of an existing pedestrian bridge that crosses the Peterson Brook.
“This is something that we’ve been working on for a number of years, and post-pandemic and more actively in the last year, working with the town of Stowe and our neighbors to plan to sensitively expand Topnotch with these more luxurious suites, as well as significant renovation and reinvention of the existing aspects of the resort,” Wheeler said.
It’s been a decade since the resort, which first opened its doors 66 years ago, was fully renovated.
“We want our guests to know that they’re in Vermont, obviously, but it’ll be more modern than that,” Wheeler said.
The condo will contain a diverse number of one, two and three-bedroom units, and will be sold individually, likely as secondary residences that can be used as short-term rentals by their owners, Wheeler confirmed. Topnotch will be taking expressions of interest in the units this year, before construction begins.
The new convention area will add another 1,000 square feet to the existing facilities, allowing the resort to better serve its niche, as Wheeler describes it: “corporate board retreats, smaller associations, smaller groups in general.”
The renovations around the Mountain Road and Peterson Brook crossings are occurring in a sensitive area, near where a sinkhole opened up in the state-owned highway after multiple floods hit Stowe last summer. Wheeler said the resort is working with the state around the best way to enhance the structure’s already in place that facilitate pedestrian crossing.
This investment in Topnotch is taking place at a time when several longtime resorts have been bought by outside investors or renovated by their owners, all part of a general upward trend in the local hospitality industry and a general bullishness on Stowe. Wheeler said the resort is feeling the Vail Effect.
“Vail took over in 2018, so we’re entering seven years at this point, and Topnotch is a fairly small property, as it is, and we’re very close to the mountain,” Wheeler said. “I think certainly Vail has brought in different highs, different clientele into the Stowe area since they’ve been operating the mountain.”
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