By <a href=""><span>Jesse Whittock</span></a> <br>International TV Co-Editor<br> The company that owns IP rights to the <em>Lord of the Rings</em> franchise is dividing its business.<br> <a href="" id="auto-tag_embracer-group" data-tag="embracer-group" >Embracer Group</a> has unveiled plans to split into three operations: games publisher Asmodee Group, indie gaming label Coffee Stain & Friends and Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends, which will house the <em>Lord of the Rings</em> and <em><a href="" id="auto-tag_tomb-raider" data-tag="tomb-raider" >Tomb Raider</a></em> rights. <br> Each company will be publicly listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange, but Middle-earth Enterprises & Friends will remain within the current listed Embracer Group, which will be renamed. Embracer has also entered into a €900M ($959M) financing agreement with Asmodee, which will partly go on repaying debts. <div class="admz" id="adm-inline-article-ad-1"> <div class="adma boomerang" data-device="Desktop" data-width="1"> <div style="min-width:50px;min-height:75px;" class="pmc-adm-boomerang-pub-div ad-text" data-priority="10" > <div id="gpt-dsk-tab-mid-article1-uid0" class="adw-1 adh-1" data-is-adhesion-ad=""> <script type="application/javascript">
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