11.28am 14th March 2025 - <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/practice-range-and-teaching/">Practice Range & Teaching</a> <br><a href="http://www.standrews.com">St Andrews Links Trust </a>is to stage a series disability golf coaching sessions at its golf academy in March and April as part of Scottish Golf’s new <a href="https://www.scottishgolf.org/news-detail?newsarticleid=4075">Community Disability Hub Programme</a>. <br>Five venues across Scotland will be hosting the programme’s inclusive sessions, which are open to individuals who have a physical, sensory, or learning disability, no matter their circumstances or golfing experience. The Trust is the only location in Fife to be taking part.<br>This initiative feeds into the Trust’s wider objective of widening access to golf, so that anyone who wants to try golf for the first time or develop their skills further can do so.<br>It comes after the Trust hosted the <a href="https://www.phoenixcup.org.uk">30th Phoenix Cup</a> on the Old Course, New Course and Jubilee Course in October 2024. The Phoenix Cup is played by disabled golfers from around Europe and the United States. It is the only fully inclusive amateur match play team golf event in the world, inspired by the Ryder Cup and Solheim Cup. <br>The Community Disability Hub Programme offers safe, engaging and fun sessions, with club volunteers, Community Golf Instructors and PGA Professionals on hand to tailor lessons to suit individuals’ abilities.<br>Four sessions will take place at St Andrews Links Academy, from Saturday 22 March until Saturday 26 April. Anyone with a disability who would like to take part in the sessions at St Andrews Links, is encouraged to sign up using the link <a href="https://forms.zohopublic.eu/ScottishGolf/form/DisabilityCommunityGolfSessionsStAndrews/formperma/9cLOWdm9Uae4OBU51xB-wJrtPz-otFL-8SUb1yXi308">here</a>.<br>Paul Ellison, disability golfer and caddie manager at St Andrews Links Trust, said: “Golf is one of the most incredible and enriching sports to play, but those with a disability face unique challenges and hurdles. Having tailored sessions that allow people to feel comfortable on the course and develop their swing is a fantastic and unique opportunity. This will make a real difference to a lot of people that otherwise might struggle to participate in golf.”<br>He added: “We have been provided with some fantastic opportunities through the DP World Tour, EDGA and the R&A to showcase the skills of golfers with a disability. This new initiative, through St Andrews Links Trust and Scottish Golf is a welcome addition. Hopefully this will give new players a chance to learn the game of golf and give experienced players an opportunity to further develop their skills.”<br>David Watt, golf academy operations manager at St Andrews Links Golf Academy, said: “One of the Trust’s core missions is to widen participation in golf. This means we have to think carefully about every aspect of the facilities we provide to ensure we are inclusive and welcoming for all.<br>“Holding accessible coaching sessions at our Golf Academy, in partnership with Scottish Golf’s Community Disability Hub Programme, illustrates our commitment to this mission. We want to reduce the barriers that prevent people from playing golf, and our Golf Academy is a safe, relaxed environment to take this further. We encourage any individuals with a physical, sensory, or learning disability, no matter your level of experience or circumstance, to sign up for the sessions, have fun and learn from some great golfers.”<br>Alan Oliver, equality, diversity and inclusion manager at Scottish Golf, said: “It is Scottish Golf’s aspiration to build community disability hubs across the country, as we believe in providing opportunities for individuals to enjoy all the benefits the sport can offer, both socially and competitively. We are thrilled to be able to offer these disability opportunities and hopefully we will see many more participants joining us on their golfing journey.<br>“Scottish Golf are delighted to be working collaboratively with St Andrews Links Trust to deliver community disability opportunities for those who are starting out within the sport and want to find their feet or for emerging golfer’s looking for a space to develop and thrive in a safe environment. We’re confident that the Trust shares the same core values of our disability hub programme and will help to make this a positive, sustainable initiative.”<br><br>Simulator technology company PLATFORM Golf has signed internationally renowned instructor Claude Harmon III as its newest global ambassador.<br>A 'Who’s Who' of international golf destinations will meet face-to-face with the world’s best golf tour operators this autumn as the second edition of Elevate Golf returns to St Andrews.<br>Premium Japanese equipment brand XXIO has launched a new range of ultra-light weight clubs aimed at golfers with slower swing speeds that will help to achieve more distance and better control.<br><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/practice-range-and-teaching/st-andrews-links-trust-to-host-disability-golf-coaching-sessions/" rel="noopener" data-via="eGolfBusiness" data-hashtags="GolfBusinessNews">Share on Twitter</a> <br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/practice-range-and-teaching/st-andrews-links-trust-to-host-disability-golf-coaching-sessions/&title=St+Andrews+Links+Trust+to+host+disability+coaching+sessions&source=GolfBusinessNews.com" rel="noopener">Share on LinkedIn</a><br>GolfBusinessNews.com (GBN) is for the many thousands of people who work in the golf business all around the world.<br>We cover the full range of topics both on and off the course. 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