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Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Areas of patchy fog. Low 44F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph..
Partly cloudy skies this evening will become overcast overnight. Areas of patchy fog. Low 44F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph.
Updated: March 15, 2025 @ 10:28 pm
Vermont Community Newspaper Group
A rendering of Quechee-based glassmaker Simon Pearce’s soon-to-open location in Stowe reveals a smaller retail space than the company’s other stores.
A rendering of Quechee-based glassmaker Simon Pearce’s soon-to-open location in Stowe reveals a smaller retail space than the company’s other stores.
Simon Pearce, the Quechee-based glass company renowned for its handcrafted pieces, has found a new home in Stowe village.
The company will open a location at 59 Mountain Road sometime this spring in the old blacksmith’s shop, according to Jen Smith, vice president of retail for Simon Pearce.
Smith said the company has been pondering a location in Stowe for years, but the stars aligned with the location on Mountain Road, which was recently renovated to accommodate new tenants.
“We have great brand recognition throughout Vermont and New England, and as we’ve grown over the last several years, it seemed like this market could support another brick and mortar in Stowe,” Smith said. “There are also so many visitors from around the country and around the world who come to Stowe, so we want to keep spreading the brand to new customers.”
Smith said the new location will be much smaller than other Simon Pearce stores, focusing on three product categories that have proven popular with customers, including barware, candlelight pieces and the iconic evergreens it is known for.
“This is a new concept for us,” Smith said, “but we think it’ll be popular with shoppers in Stowe.”
At just 850 square feet, the new space will feature product displays, a classic Vermont Castings wood stove that will run in the winter and a deck that opens to the nearby Little River.
Smith said shoppers will be able to peruse the store and deck once the store opens. An updated landscape plan also features steps down to the river. Smith added that the location is reminiscent of the company’s flagship in Quechee, which is also situated next to a river.
“It’s going to be a nice, comfortable space where shoppers on Main Street can stroll over to us,” Smith said, adding that the store will complement neighboring businesses, like the Ellison Estate Vineyard Tasting Space. “The area could really become a destination of its own.”
Although Simon Pearce hasn’t locked down an opening date yet, Smith is hoping for some time in May, once mud season is over and guests can walk about the property freely.
Simon Pearce, the company’s founder and namesake, is originally from Ireland. After moving to the United States, he opened the company’s first location in Quechee, now the flagship, in 1981.
Today, the company has 14 retail locations on the east coast. Stowe is the only new location slated for 2025.
Despite growth over the last several years, the company continues crafting glass pieces by hand in shops throughout New England, including in Windsor and Quechee, where several Vermonters work.
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