The prices of silver are anticipated to outpace that of gold, driven by supply deficits and growing industrial demand, which are expected to act as strong tailwinds for the metal’s value, according to the global investment firm WisdomTree.
“We anticipate that silver will outpace gold, gaining 23 per cent over the coming year compared to gold’s projected 17 per cent increase (Q4 2024 to Q4 2025),” the report added.
“We remain optimistic about its potential, with supply deficits and increasing industrial demand acting as strong tailwinds,” the report said, answering the question on whether the fortunes of silver is set to change in 2025.
Above-ground inventory is depleted by deficits, and even while there is still plenty of inventory, investors hold a large portion of it and demand higher prices to encourage sales. Industrial demand for silver has reached record highs, driven by increasing usage in photovoltaic (solar panel) applications, 5G technology, and automotive electronics. Photovoltaic installations are expected to set another record in 2025, further boosting silver demand, the report added.
Additionally, technological advancements have led to the mass production of higher-efficiency N-type solar cells, which require greater silver content. Beyond renewable energy, the expansion of data centres and artificial intelligence applications in 2025 is set to further increase silver demand. In the automotive industry, the growing use of electronic components and investment in battery-charging infrastructure will continue to support silver consumption, the report added.
The prices of silver in the international markets have witnessed an uptick due to industrial demand and global uncertainties. Until mid-December 2024, silver was on track to outperform gold. However, a sudden contraction in the final two weeks of the year allowed gold to overtake silver, closing the year up 27 per cent, while silver finished with a 21 per cent gain.
<br>Gold, silver prices on January 24 | Check latest rates in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai<br>Gold rate down by 0.11 per cent, silver down by Rs 861: What is right time to invest in yellow metal<br>Gold, Silver Prices Today: Yellow metal gains on MCX | Check city-wise rate on February 13<br>Gold, Silver Prices Today: Yellow metal gains on MCX amid Modi-Trump meeting | Check city-wise rate <br>Gold, Silver Prices Today: Yellow metal shines on MCX | Check city-wise rate on February 17<br>Gold, Silver Prices Today: Gold, silver fall on MCX | Check city-wise rate on February 19<br>Silver has been undervalued, relative to gold, with the gold-to-silver ratio surpassing 90 in January 2025 before beginning to decline.<br>"Historically, this ratio has faced resistance around 92, followed by sharp corrections in silver's favour. This technical indicator suggests silver may be poised for another upward move," said the report.<br>In the Indian markets, silver prices are heavily dependent on factors such as the global economic conditions, Rupee-Dollar exchange rate and government policies on trade. The price of silver per kilogram has reached the level of Rs 1,03,000 in India. <br>© 2009-2025 Independent News Service. All rights reserved.<br><br><a href="https://news.google.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?oc=5">source</a>