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Updated: January 22, 2025 @ 3:52 pm
Along with numerous community partners and supporters, Southern Crescent Technical College officially cut the ribbon for the Upson County Small Business Entrepreneurship Center at a grand opening ceremony on Thursday, Jan. 16 at the SCTC Flint River campus in Thomaston.
Open to both the public and students, the SBEC is designed to nurture and support both established entrepreneurs and those just starting out and serves as a hub for business development offering workshops, training programs, and personalized consulting to help entrepreneurs navigate the complexities of starting and growing a business.
The facility is equipped with modern resources and technology to facilitate learning and innovation. The center also focuses on creating a supportive community atmosphere where entrepreneurs can network, share experiences, and collaborate. By providing access to expert guidance, practical tools, and a collaborative environment, the center aims to empower local business leaders to thrive within the community.
In his remarks, SCTC President Dr. Irvin Clark said, “SCTC’s Small Business Entrepreneurship Center has long been part of our plan to support workforce development and I am elated to finally see this vision come to life. Having a dedicated space that fosters creativity and offers the needed resources and guidance for our students, graduates, community, and budding entrepreneurs is a perfect complement to our programs and curriculum. Whether you’re looking to launch a new venture or expand an existing one, the SCTC Small Business Entrepreneurship Centers are committed to helping individuals in this community achieve their goals.”
At the SBEC, SCTC plans to provide a comprehensive range of resources and services dedicated to fostering entrepreneurial success. SCTC’s SBEC offers a variety of courses and amenities designed to support and enhance entrepreneurial experience with unique facilities and services tailored to meet diverse business needs.
SBEC amenities are designed to provide practical support for entrepreneurs at different stages of their business journey, from content creation and product development to meetings and collaboration. A “makers room” for prototyping and developing and meeting spaces of various sizes are available at the SBEC in Upson.
“Thomaston and Upson County have been blessed over the years with many key individuals whose entrepreneurial spirit helped build businesses and shaped this community,” commented Thomaston-Upson Industrial Development Authority Executive Director Slade Gulledge. “I am thrilled the SBEC at Southern Crescent’s Flint River campus will provide tremendous opportunities and resources for the next generation of local business leaders to get their start.”
Participation and use of the SBEC, including its programs and equipment, will be available for use at no cost to all currently enrolled SCTC credit, dual enrollment high school, and adult education students. The facility and various amenities will be available for rental to all other individuals.
T-U Chamber of Commerce President Madison Ruttinger commented, “The SBEC will create a wonderful space for current business owners as well as future entrepreneurs to provide education, lunch and learns, and the use of innovative technology.”
Thomaston Economic Development Director Taylor Smith echoed the statements, adding that he is “super excited about this investment in Thomaston-Upson. [I am] looking forward to serving existing and new business owners through this incredible resource.”
Additionally, Matthew Oleson, a business consultant from the University of Georgia’s Small Business Development Center, was on hand to sign a partnership agreement with SCTC to offer a comprehensive eight-course series designed to equip small business owners with critical tools and knowledge needed to thrive. The partnership reportedly will give members access to both local and statewide resources to start and grow their businesses.
During fall 2024, SCTC opened an SBEC at the SCTC Butts County Center in Jackson and an SBEC at the SCTC Henry County Center. For more information including rental information, or to visit the SBEC at the SCTC Henry County Center, contact
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