Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was injured in a robbery attempt at his residence in Bandra (West) early Thursday morning. As this news took everyone by shock in the wee hours of a January morning, questions about whether it was an insider job, how weak the security of the building he resided in, and why didn’t anyone see anything, haunt the internet. The Bollywood power couple reside in a lavish luxury apartment in the upscale Bandra West area of Mumbai. The residence, located in a 12-storey building called Satguru Sharan, was purchased by Saif Ali Khan nearly a decade ago from Satguru Builders. Spanning an impressive 10,000 sq ft, the apartment includes five bedrooms, a gymnasium, a music room, and six terrace balconies, providing ample space and luxury for the family, according to media reports.
The couple’s home also boasts an exclusive terrace and a swimming pool, with renovations taking around four years to complete. From what is understood, the family’s home is spread across four floors. According to media outlets, the price of apartments in the building where Saif Ali Khan resides is estimated to be around Rs 70,000 per square foot, significantly higher than the average Rs 50,000 to Rs 55,000 per square foot in the surrounding locality. It is understood that before moving into their current home, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan lived in a four-storey building complex called Fortune Heights, also in Bandra. They bought a 3,000 sq ft, 3BHK unit there for Rs 48 crores in 2013.
The incident occurred around 2:30 am when the actor was asleep with his family. The robber allegedly stabbed Saif before fleeing the scene after the occupants of the house woke up. The Bandra police are currently in the process of registering an FIR and have formed several teams to track down and apprehend the culprit.
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