<a href="/darts" class="sdc-site-localnav__header-title" data-role="nav-header" aria-controls="sdc-site-localnav-body" aria-expanded="false"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 34 34" class="sdc-site-localnav__icon"> <path d="M6.02 12.67c. 23.45c. 9.193-.355.354-.354-.354-9.197-9.198-.484-.484c-.043.033-.09.07-.14.112-.204.168-.402.348-.59.536-.285.288-.446.553-.44.727z" /> </svg>Darts </a> <br>Luke Littler, Luke Humphries, Michael van Gerwen and Rob Cross set to play in Premier League, but who else will be selected for 2025 edition? <strong>find out live on Sky Sports News from 4.30pm on Monday</strong> and then watch tournament live on Sky Sports from February 6 to May 29<br>Monday 6 January 2025 09:19, UK<br>The line-up for Premier League Darts 2025 will be revealed live on Sky Sports News at 4.30pm today.<br>New world champion and reigning Premier League champion <strong>Luke Littler</strong>, world No 1 <strong>Luke Humphries,</strong> <strong>Michael van Gerwen</strong> and<strong> Rob Cross </strong>are set to earn automatic picks due to their spots in the top four on the PDC Order of Merit.<br>The PDC has a raft of options for the remaining four places with the 13 players below perhaps the frontrunners to take part in a tournament that starts in Belfast on February 6 and concludes with the Play-Offs at London's O2 arena on May 29.<br>Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player<br><br>PDC chief executive Matt Porter told <em>Sky Sports</em>: "We have to look for the star quality and people who can perform on the big stage. It's going to be an interesting announcement.<br>"We're certainly not going to please everybody but we feel we have to make the decisions that are right for the millions who will watch on TV and the 150,000 who will join us in the big arenas.<br>"Whatever decision we make, so long as people are talking about it, we've made the right decision."<br>Please use Chrome browser for a more accessible video player<br><br>Matches take place every Thursday night between February and May and are played in different venues around the United Kingdom, Ireland and Europe, including Germany and the Netherlands.<br> Stream Premier League Darts with NOW <br> When is the Premier League live on Sky? <br> Latest darts highlights and video <br> Listen to the Love the Darts podcast <br>Since 2022, the format has been an eight-person knockout bracket every night, with each of the players meeting once across week 1-7 and then again in weeks 9-15 with weeks 8 and 16 drawn based on league standings.<br>The points system is as follows:<br>After week 16, the top four in the table contest the semi-finals and the final at The O2 arena in London.<br>First plays fourth and second plays third in the best-of-19-leg semi-finals before a best-of-21-leg final.<br><strong>Who will be in the 2025 Premier League Darts line-up? Find out live on <em>Sky Sports News</em> from 4.30pm, Monday. Then watch every night of the tournament live on <em>Sky Sports</em> from Thursday February 6.</strong><br> <a href="/" class="svg-logo site-footer__site-logo"> <img class="svg-logo__image" alt="Sky Sports" src="https://e0.365dm.com/tvlogos/channels/Sky-Sports-Logo.svg" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='https://e0.365dm.com/tvlogos/channels/Sky-Sports-Logo.png'"> </a> © 2025 Sky UK <br><br><a href="https://news.google.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?oc=5">source</a>