Do you know a mother in the sports world worthy of recognition?
For the sixth year, we will honor a “Sports Mom of the Year” with a feature on May 12 (which is Mother’s Day, if you need a reminder). To make a nomination, submit the mother’s name and an explanation of why she is worthy being named “Sports Mom of the Year” by 9 p.m. on May 3.
To make a nomination, email Kyle Neddenriep at or leave a voicemail with contact information at (317) 444-6649. Last year, the award was shared by Crystal Clark and Amy Dinwiddie. Previous winners were Susie Strange (2022), Kris Schepers (2021), Kathy Loggan (2020) and Angie Young (2019).
Call Star reporter Kyle Neddenriep at (317) 444-6649.