The package of bills passed with some bipartisan support
LANSING, mich. (WJRT) – Michigan House Republicans have approved an over $3.1 billion proposal to fix the roads.
The package of legislation was passed with some bipartisan support Wednesday. Republicans say it does not raise any taxes and doubles the amount of funds available to local municipalities.
The bones of the package actually date back to last November. Republicans, at that time in the minority, tried to move the proposal during lame duck but weren’t granted a committee hearing.
Flash forward to now, and they are making strides to make this a reality.
“This is going to be one step closer to fixing our local roads all across our cities and counties, all across our state, it’s going to be a great thing today,” said Speaker of the House Matt Hall (R-Richland Twp.).
Instead of creating new taxes, the proposal pulls over 1 billion dollars away from incentives designed to attract businesses to Michigan and diverts 100 percent of funds raised at the pump to the roads.
Those funds were typically given to local municipalities and schools.
“Michigan has a high amount of taxes collected at the pump, and one of the lowest percentages of the money collected at the pump, actually goes to roads. So, what we’re going to do is we’re going to ensure that all of the money collected at the pump goes to roads,” said Speaker Hall.
Governor Whitmer also suggested diverting funds from the gas tax in a proposal last month. Still, her plan would keep the business incentives in place, and raise the money through tax increases on the marijuana industry and large corporations.
“The corporations are going to have to pay one way or the other. It’s just are the 8 or 10 most connected corporations, are they going to give up their special giveaways, […] or are we going to do Governor Whitmer’s plan, which is raise taxes on every business in Michigan?” questioned Hall.
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