Cloudy. Areas of patchy fog. High 52F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph..
Some clouds early will give way to generally clear conditions overnight. Low 32F. Winds NW at 5 to 10 mph.
Updated: March 28, 2024 @ 1:40 am
Construction began on a new building and expansion for Five Below at Lycoming Crossing shopping center.
The space between Dick’s Sporting Goods and Five Below at Lycoming Crossing is being prepped for an expansion for Five Below.
Construction began on a new building and expansion for Five Below at Lycoming Crossing shopping center.
The space between Dick’s Sporting Goods and Five Below at Lycoming Crossing is being prepped for an expansion for Five Below.
Pennsdale, Pa. — Lycoming Crossing shopping center is expanding again. This time, construction is underway for the expansion of Five Below.
Gwen Pidcoe, secretary for Muncy Township, confirmed last week that the discount retailer will be occupying the space with an expansion that encompasses the space between their store and Dick’s Sporting Goods.
A representative at Five Below said they are building a new building which is expected to be complete by October. Fencing was put up recently between Five Below and Dick’s Sporting Goods as workers began excavation work.
Five Below, which sells everything from electronics to beauty supplies, is geared toward tween and teens. The expansion makes it the first addition to the shopping center since Starbucks opened at an outparcel space in December 2022.
Other shops that came to Lycoming Crossing in the past few years include Marshalls, Bath & Body Works, and the Shoe Dept. A map posted on the website of leasing agent CBRE shows there are two pad sites on the other side of Dick’s that could potentially be developed in the future. No word yet as to what businesses could potentially go in there.
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