Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
LOGAN – Navy Federal Credit Union, in partnership with Sperling’s BestPlaces, has released its 2024 Best Cities After Service report, naming Logan as one of the top cities for veterans looking to start a business. The report is designed to help veterans and their families transition to civilian life by ranking cities across the U.S. based on factors such as affordability, veteran success, and access to resources.
Logan, Utah, was recognized for its strong business environment, affordability, and opportunities for veterans to leverage their skills in entrepreneurship. The evaluation included metrics like veteran income, proximity to VA hospitals, housing costs, and economic health.
The annual report ranked over 400 cities, offering veterans and their families options that span various regions and climates. Logan’s recognition as a top location for veteran entrepreneurs underscores the growing appeal of smaller cities that provide economic opportunity and a supportive community for veterans transitioning out of military service.
In addition to Logan, the list features other notable cities such as Sarasota, Florida, which was ranked the best overall city for veterans, and Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, another top city for veterans to start a business.
“When you leave military service, finding a home, starting a new career and making a financial plan are daunting steps,” said Clay Stackhouse, a retired Marine Corps colonel and regional outreach manager at Navy Federal. “This unique population of individuals has diverse needs, so it’s more important than ever for us to provide tools and resources that support them through all aspects of the transition to the civilian world.”
Other cities throughout the country were ranked based on various criteria, including the best cities overall after service: Sarasota, FL; Norwich, CT; Derry, NH; Omaha, NE; Portland, ME; Virginia Beach, VA; Sebastian, FL; Oklahoma City, OK; Duluth, MN; and, Rapid City, SD.
The study also ranked best cities for retired veterans (Sarasota, FL; Derry, NH; Tampa, FL; Duluth, MN; and, Norwich, CT), best cities for veterans to buy a house (Altoona, PA; Abilene, TX; Muncie, IN; El Paso, TX; Mansfield, OH) and best small towns for veterans (Glens Falls, NY; Ames, IA; Mankato, MN; La Crosse, WI; and, Manhattan, KS).
Resources on the transition to civilian life are available at
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