To the Editor:
I would like to respond to the Guest Editorial by U.S. Reps. Brad Finstad and Michelle Fischbach printed in the Jan. 1, 2025 edition of the Worthington Globe.
This opinion piece is real black and white proof that politics in our country has evolved into nothing but undocumented accusations being tossed around.
The only data or fact I saw in their editorial was a nationwide statistic that covered a 20-year timespan of rural hospital closures. While the premise of their editorial supposedly focused on the past four years of bad immigration policy. Also, the statistic was nationwide while a great deal of their editorial focus was on Minnesota. Not really an apples to apples comparison.
I instantly thought of a couple other logical and rational reasons for these hospital closures over that 20-year period. First, rural areas like western and southern Minnesota have lost population at a steady rate during the past 20 years.
Also, medical care has become more specialized, needing by necessity, to be located in larger and better equipped facilities. If I did more research, I would undoubtedly find more logical reasons. Inability to pay bills by immigrants may be one reason. Inability to pay bills by United States citizens would be another, I am sure.
Immigration is a complicated problem for this country and it deserves serious, reasoned discussion by our elected officials. Accusations being thrown around for emotional effect to achieve political advantage is not good for the stability of our political system of representative government.
Please, Rep. Finstad and Rep. Fischbach, stop discourse like this editorial.
Sincerely for your consideration,
Dale Cuperus