<span class="is-1">News</span><span class="is-2">from Japan</span> <br> <br>Kumamoto, April 6 (Jiji Press)--Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Saturday said that he aims for a stricter political funds control law, following a high-profile money scandal involving factions of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party.<br>Talking at a regional roundtable dialogue session on political reform held in the southwestern Japan city of Kumamoto in response to the scandal, Kishida on the envisaged bill to amend the law said, "By enacting a strict law, we hope to restore public trust."<br>Kishida has said that the LDP plans to submit the bill during the ongoing parliamentary session. The party is headed by Kishida.<br>It was the first time for Kishida to take part in a political reform dialogue session. In light of the scandal, the LDP decided that its senior members, including Kishida, will go around all 47 prefectures of Japan to listen to the voices of members of its local branches and others, with the first session of the dialogue held in the central Japan city of Kanazawa in late March.<br>At the start of Saturday's session, Kishida met with senior officials of the LDP's Kumamoto prefectural branch.<br><a href='/en/ncommon/contents/news/2573687/2573687.jpg' class='fancybox' rel='gallery' data-libid='2573687'><img style='margin-bottom: 5px; border: 0; padding: 0;' src='/en/ncommon/contents/news/2573687/2573687.jpg' data-libid='2573687'></a><br>[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]<br><br> <a href="">Jiji Press</a> <br><a href=""></a><br><br><span onclick="$('.c-ninki_after').show('fast');$(this).parent().hide('fast');" id="popular_news_more"><span id="popular-more"></span><span class="i-plus2"></span></span><br> <br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiMGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm5pcHBvbi5jb20vZW4vbmV3cy95amoyMDI0MDQwNjAwMzE3L9IBAA?oc=5">source</a>