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Eight presentations for the small business community will be provided by the Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center on Feb. 4, 5, 12, 18, 19, 20, 26, and 27.
The free online presentations are “Selling Online in 2025!”, “Cyber Security Training by Giga Green,” “Get Your Business in Google Search and Maps,” “Design Thinking – Advanced Workshop,” “Coach Your Team to Success,” “Instagram Promo Crash Course,” “Thriving at
Remote E-commerce: Nail It Before Your Scale It,” and “Market in Moments Webinar – Staying Ahead: Monthly Google & AI Developments with Maria Elena.”
To register for these training events, visit www.JRECenter.com/events . Those who register will receive a recording of the presentation. Follow the Jamestown Regional Entrepreneur Center at Facebook.com/JRECenter, on Instagram at JRECenter and on LinkedIn.