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DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa lawmakers gaveled in Monday morning for the start of a new legislative session. Over the next several months, legislators on both sides of the aisle will work to get their priorities signed into law.
In the house, Rep. Pat Grassley, R-New Hartford was sworn in as Speaker of the Iowa House of Representatives. His grandfather, U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, made an appearance at the statehouse to mark the occasion.
Later, House Minority Leader Jennifer Konfrst, D-Windsor Heights and House Majority Leader Matt Windschitl, R-Missouri Valley delivered opening remarks.
Over in the Iowa Senate, Sen. Amy Sinclair, R-Allerton was reelected Senate President. Sinclair, Senate Minority Leader Janice Weiner-D-Iowa City and Senate Majority Leader Jack Whitver-R-Grimes beach delivered opening remarks.
Republicans hold a supermajority in both the Iowa House and Senate, giving them an edge over their Democratic counterparts.
Republican leadership previously told Local 5 the party is focused on improving education and reforming state property taxes.
Meanwhile, Democrats indicated they aim to raise wages for Iowans, cut back on the education savings account program and legalize marijuana.
Also on the docket for this session are several prefiled bills proposed by various agencies and departments. Those include a bill redefining grooming in schools, a bill banning ranked choice voting and a constitutional amendment allowing kids and people with disabilities to testify through closed circuit television.
Gov. Kim Reynolds will deliver her Condition of the State Address on Tuesday. She’s expected to pitch a statewide cellphone ban for K-12 classrooms, among other legislative priorities.