9.52am 10th March 2025 - <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/practice-range-and-teaching/">Practice Range & Teaching</a> <br>Golf Genius, the leading provider of cloud-hosted golf software solutions, has announced an agreement with the <a href="https://cpg.golf">Confederation of Professional Golf</a> to provide PGA members and coaches in the CPG network with exclusive access to its market-leading coaching solution, <a href="https://coachnow.io">CoachNow</a>.<br>As part of the agreement, CoachNow becomes a ‘Coaching Software Supplier’ to the CPG and will assist PGA Professionals and coaches across its network with the running of their coaching businesses through preferential product access and pricing, as well as educational content and resources on the business of coaching.<br>Ian Randell, Chief Executive of the CPG, said: “Evolving the way golf coaches engage with their clients towards a more relationship-based model is key to driving long-term success for golfers and coaches. We fully believe in the tools and capabilities provided within the CoachNow platform to achieve that progression for every golf professional and coach and thus furthering their position as golf’s ultimate influencer.<br>“We are therefore delighted to be expanding our longstanding partnership with Golf Genius to now embrace CoachNow, supporting our efforts to innovate and provide world-class learning and business opportunities to PGA Professionals and coaches, and urge those interested in developing their coaching businesses to take advantage of this exclusive offer and access to the CoachNow platform.”<br>Trusted by the world’s best coaches, academies, and national programmes in 140 countries worldwide, CoachNow is a technology platform that helps PGA Professionals build successful coaching businesses with enhanced athlete collaboration, communication and coaching tools.<br>Craig Higgs, Managing Director of <a href="https://www.golfgenius.com">Golf Genius International,</a> commented: “CPG are a key partner in the game of golf who drive standards in the business of golf coaching across the globe. We’re really pleased to be working with them, their Member Country PGAs and consequently, their PGA Members to drive world-class coaching through technology. Our entire team is looking forward to an innovative and industry-evolving partnership.”<br>Exclusively available to PGA members and coaches of the CPG network, the member offer includes 4-month’s free trial access to CoachNow Pro, followed by a discounted price on all plans after the free trial period has concluded.<br>Any interested and eligible members can find out more at <a href="https://coachnow.io/cpg">https://coachnow.io/cpg</a> or by contacting <a href="mailto:emea@coachnow.io?subject=CoachNow%20x%20CPG%20Announcement">emea@coachnow.io</a>.<br>Global sports and entertainment agency 54 has been shortlisted for Agency of the Year at the FEVO Sport Industry Awards<br>Pitch Wharf, the new flagship venue from indoor golf brand Pitch, has officially opened in the heart of London's financial district.<br>The event, the second of its type for Golf Accountancy Matters, bought together many of the 50-plus golf clubs that the company work with to discuss best practices in golf club accounting and bookkeeping, and to listen to the four guest speakers invited to talk at the conference.<br><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/practice-range-and-teaching/golf-genius-and-cpg-build-closer-ties-with-coachnow-partnership/" rel="noopener" data-via="eGolfBusiness" data-hashtags="GolfBusinessNews">Share on Twitter</a> <br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/practice-range-and-teaching/golf-genius-and-cpg-build-closer-ties-with-coachnow-partnership/&title=Golf+Genius+and+CPG+build+closer+ties+with+CoachNow+partnership&source=GolfBusinessNews.com" rel="noopener">Share on LinkedIn</a><br>GolfBusinessNews.com (GBN) is for the many thousands of people who work in the golf business all around the world.<br>We cover the full range of topics both on and off the course. 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