HARRISONBURG, VA (Rocktown Now) —
Saturday, January 4
Men’s Basketball at Shenandoah University at 2pm in Winchester
Women’s Basketball at Randolph College at 2pm in Lynchburg
<br>A 19-year-old and 17-year-old were arrested after a string of incidents leading back to September. <br>Present a valid Virginia college ID to get free entry.<br>Flags should be flown at half-staff for 30 days.<br>HARRISONBURG VA: (ROCKTOWN NOW) – Sunshine will return for today, before the chance for […]<br>Rocktown Now’s Pets of the Week sponsored by Bob Wade Subaru. <br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMinwFBVV95cUxQQkdLdlpxUmZtU2RYalJYTVF5UjVLZEpfd3RaYVVmcEFWbERLMzR6VzRVQ29lYmNJZmJWMEtLSmo5em10ak5LMlQyM1N0eGVZbW1sVnZJUHJTOEszUG9XbXdzS2ZQZG55d0hjQ0Z6S28tOUlSSnA3TEtoLUt2ZFdvWUtyQldrRFc1RGh1ejRzYXQ2NHA0dkVrYlE2bWl0dkE?oc=5">source</a>