<span>Media Center</span> <time pubdate="" datetime="3/18/2025 1:00:00 PM">3/18/2025 1:00:00 PM</time> <span>Saquandra Heath</span> <br>The NCAA has launched a new video to air throughout the men's and women's March Madness tournament broadcasts, as well as online, as part of the <a href="https://www.ncaa.org/news/2024/3/19/media-center-ncaa-launches-draw-the-line-to-address-sports-betting.aspx">Draw the Line</a> campaign. The new spot, titled "Don't Be a Loser," calls attention to the alarming prevalence of abuse and harassment student-athletes face from angry fans who lost a bet. <br>The new addition to the Draw the Line campaign is one of several efforts underway at the NCAA to respond to the rise of sports betting. <br>The new video was revealed during the first week of the Division I Men's and Women's Basketball Championships — the largest betting event in the United States. An estimated $3.1 billon will be legally bet on this year's basketball tournaments, doubling the amount bet on the Super Bowl, according to a <a href="https://www.americangaming.org/americans-to-legally-wager-estimated-3-1-billion-on-march-madness/">recent report from the American Gaming Association</a>. <br>The NCAA is continuing its work with Signify Group to monitor harassment directed at student-athletes, coaches and officials participating in NCAA Championships, including the men's and women's basketball tournaments. <br>Last year's study found <a href="https://www.ncaa.org/news/2024/5/17/media-center-sports-betting-culture-negatively-impacts-mental-health-ncaa-works-to-support-student-athletes.aspx">1 in 3 student-athletes received abusive messages</a> from those with a betting interest; <a href="https://www.ncaa.org/news/2024/10/10/media-center-ncaa-calls-on-fans-social-media-platforms-to-curb-abuse-as-it-releases-first-online-harassment-study.aspx">80% of the abuse</a> was directed at March Madness men's and women's student-athletes, with women's basketball student-athletes receiving approximately three times more threats than men's basketball student-athletes. <br>"The horrific messages we are seeing across online platforms is absolutely unacceptable," NCAA President Charlie Baker said. "Angry fans are sending numerous abusive messages and threats to student-athletes, publicly and privately, because of lost bets placed on the athlete's performance in a game. These actions severely threaten student-athlete mental health and well-being, while harming the college athletics environment. We need fans to do better. We need states to do better and ban player props that target student-athletes and enable detrimental abuse."<br>If you are a student-athlete or campus administrator and want to learn more about the resources the NCAA is making available, <a href="https://www.ncaa.org/sports/2016/4/29/sports-wagering.aspx">click here</a>. If you are a student-athlete who lives in a state that permits prop bets and want to help get these bets pulled from the market, please email <a href="mailto:governmentrelations@ncaa.org">governmentrelations@ncaa.org</a>.<br><time pubdate="" datetime="03.18.25">03.18.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="03.17.25">03.17.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="03.17.25">03.17.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="03.14.25">03.14.25</time><br><time pubdate="" datetime="03.14.25">03.14.25</time><br>Thanks for visiting <a class="bt4h0zdbo-modal__text-host"></a>!<br>The use of software that blocks ads hinders our ability to serve you the content you came here to enjoy.<br>We ask that you consider turning off your ad blocker so we can deliver you the best experience possible while you are here.<br>Thank you for your support!<br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivgFBVV95cUxQZVhOUFZ1S0FKQ0lkUVBTbjhibnFRRUFEQ1BkTWtVbHZXWFJHMEhjNmRNTHlsWnNncmFPenlheUhWczNvUHI5LXBjTWlKU3h2RHRhbGxZeFhwdU1FTlFMWGIxYVl1UG8zMmxTdjllXzRJTGdTdXF6V3pGbDdIeXNOUDJWY1ZiRjJydFdkMk5UMXJSWWNuLUUyMWV6Tk9UVDhaWWQ3b0h6dTlfdFM3Z194TlpPSG5UUG1aanNOMjJn?oc=5">source</a>