Dan Schneider is suing the production company behind ‘Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV’, which he claims portrayed him as a child sexual abuser. ‘Quiet on Set’ accused Schneider of inappropriate behavior on sets of multiple TV shows in the 1990s and 2000s. In legal documents obtained by E! News, the former Nickelodeon producer states the series falsely implied he was a child sexual abuser. Schnieder said he “condemned the abuse once it was discovered and, critically, was not a child sexual abuser himself.” His lawyers called the series a “hit job” against the producer, who is credited with shows such as ‘iCarly’, ‘Zoey 101’ and ‘The Amanda Show.’ According to the lawsuit, ‘Quiet on Set’ defamed Schneider as they were pursuing “clickbait, ratings, and views – or simply put, money.” In a statement to E! News, Schneider shared that he had “no choice” but to take legal action as the series accused him of “facilitating horrific crimes.” “I am sincerely apologetic and regretful for that behavior, and I will continue to take accountability for it. I have no objection to anyone highlighting my failures as a boss, but it is wrong to mislead millions of people to the false conclusion that I was in any way involved in heinous acts,” stated Schneider.
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