With the average price of a used car at nearly $30,000, many families are unable to afford even the most modest of vehicles. For the Newton family from Barre, these high prices have pumped the brakes on their ability to get around safely and reliably. Thankfully, a generous donor presented them with a gift that will help them move forward — a donated car.
Erin Newton’s family was awarded a 2009 Subaru Impreza from the car-donation nonprofit Good News Garage.
Upon being handed the keys to her donated Subaru, Newton said, “We have been through a lot recently, and you have brought light to the end of our tunnel, and so much hope that things will be OK. I can’t begin to explain how grateful my family is for your kindness.”
Good News Garage awards cars to Vermont residents through a partnership with the state’s Reach Up agency. Car recipients must be Reach Up participants to qualify for cars. Find out more about Reach Up at dcf.vermont.gov/benefits/reachup.
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For more information on the Good News Garage or to donate, visit goodnewsgarage.org.
The Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (VABVI) has an immediate need for volunteer drivers to help get blind and visually impaired people where they need to go.
Volunteer drivers fill the void when family or friends are unavailable to help, or when public transportation is simply not a viable option.
The nonprofit VABVI provides free, personalized transportation services to individuals with vision loss when no one else is available to help. The organization’s volunteer drivers work on an “as needed” basis and are free to accept or reject any trip to suit their schedules. Drivers receive mileage reimbursement for the trips.
For more information, call Vicki at 800-639-5861, ext. 243, or email Tina Bashaw at cbashaw@vabvi.org.
Emerge with Amy LePage and Blossom Wellness Center are joining forces to create a transformative community event — Emerge and Blossom Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond: An Education, Care, and Community Event on March 22–24 in downtown Montpelier.
The event offers classes in childbirth education, pelvic floor health, prenatal movement, infant massage, postpartum care and movement with baby, community and connection, douse the burnout for parents, health care, birth professionals and child care providers, pregnancy and infant loss support, pre/postnatal bodywork, and prenatal massage.
Classes — held at Emerge, at 15 State Street, and Blossom Wellness Center and Wilder Arts, at 7 Main Street — are offered on a sliding scale and donation basis. A portion of the proceeds from Blossom will be donated to a local organization that supports families. Donations for classes at Emerge will support its Tending You program, which offers one free or deeply discounted private session a month either to someone who would otherwise not be able to afford it or to a family navigating pregnancy or infant loss. Most classes provide a Zoom option.
See the schedule and register at emergewithamylepage.com/emerge-blossom-weekend or email info@emergewithamylepage.com.
Rory McLane of Worcester was named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2024 semester at Washington University in St. Louis. McLane is enrolled in the university’s Olin Business School. To qualify for the Dean’s List in the Olin Business School, students must earn a semester grade point average of 3.6 or above and be enrolled in at least 14 graded units.
These stories were compiled from press releases by Bridge staff.
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