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News of President Jimmy Carter’s death on Sunday made me wonder if he could get elected today.
Carter showed his faith by living his faith. Would the political right find him too liberal — too “woke”? Would the left consider him a Christian Nationalist intent on imposing his religious dogma?
Even on the continuing controversy on the posting of the Ten Commandments in classrooms, Carter would upset both sides by opposing their required posting but being insistent on living the principles they represent.
Davis Pfeifer
Have you ever wanted to submit a letter to the Editorial Board of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch? Learn how in just a few simple steps, then use this form.
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Letter: I propose three better ways to teach ethical behavior to all Missouri students.
Letter: Without coverage by the Post-Dispatch, these questionable actions would go unnoticed.
Letter: We must put an end to for-profit health care.
Letter: Recently, a different world leader acted on his proclamation to seize Crimea and annex Ukraine for starters.
Letter: …If we’re not vigilant, we’ll lose the hard-won progress…and invite it back into many countries, including the U.S.
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