Generally cloudy. High near 65F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph..
Overcast with rain showers at times. Low 56F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
Updated: December 28, 2024 @ 1:11 pm
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HUNTINGTON — Unlimited Future Inc (UFI) a not-for-profit business incubator and resources center in Huntington is launching Business Basics course for people wanting to start a buisness.
Business Basics is a six-week course that will cover things a prospective business owner will need to research, learn, consider and not do when starting a business.
Business Basics will be provided in-person and online through Zoom on Tuesdays for six weeks starting Tuesday, Jan. 14, from 6-8 p.m. Participants located in Cabell or Wayne county may apply for FASTER WV Initiative loan fund in targeted sectors once the course is completed. The FASTER WV Initiative is a program of Advantage Valley that aims to start up and expand businesses in the region.
Tuition for the Business Basics is available at no charge for qualifying individuals. Participants who complete the course unlock access to additional services including unlimited one-to-one coaching outside of the class for no additional fees.
To register, go to or email at
CHARLESTON — WorkForce West Virginia has set the next in a series of statewide virtual job fairs for Wednesday, Jan. 8, from 1-3 p.m. Both employers and job seekers are invited to participate.
“Since we began offering these monthly events, more than 11,500 West Virginia job seekers have attended to learn more about nearly 18,000 posted jobs from West Virginia employers located all around the state. These virtual job fairs have resulted in nearly 106,000 booth visits with 2,939 participating employers,” said Scott Adkins, acting commissioner of WorkForce West Virginia, in a news release.
Registration is required for both interested employers and job seekers.
When attending the event, job seekers are encouraged to dress professionally and have a calm, clutter-free background. The job fair portal features a job seeker training video, a list of participating employers and channels for attendees to register and log in.
After registering for the first time, new employers will create a “virtual booth” to connect with job seekers. After completion, the booth will be available during subsequent job fairs.
For more information, visit or contact
TOKYO — A Japanese government panel has largely supported a draft energy policy calling for bolstering renewables up to half of Japanese electricity needs by 2040. It also recommends maximizing the use of nuclear power to accommodate the growing demand for power in the era of AI while meeting decarbonization targets. Japan’s Cabinet is expected to formally approve the plan by March following a period of public consultation. The policy says nuclear energy should account for 20% of Japan’s energy supply in 2040, with renewables expanded to 40-50% and coal-fired power reduced to 30-40%.
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