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The wackiest headlines from the week as they would appear in a Classifieds section.
SURVIVALIST W/ PROPER FOOTWEAR: A man miraculously survived 10 days in California’s Big Basin Redwoods State Park after getting lost on a hike. He sustained himself on a few berries and water he collected with his boot.
SEEKING PATTERN MIXER: A subset of devotees Baggu’s nylon purse stylings are up in arms about the use of Midjourney AI to develop new patterned prints. Meanwhile, no one seems bothered by the fact that a human designed their horse-shaped purse.
IF YOU LIKE EARLY MORNING DRIVES: A New Zealand woman sued her boyfriend for not showing up to drive her to the airport after he verbally committed to giving her a ride. In his defense, the couple were together 6.5 years, long after the need to impress your SO goes away.
CAP AND GOWN: A 105-year-old woman received her master’s degree in education at Stanford University, 83 years after she completed the coursework. Virginia “Ginger” Hislop worked as an educator her whole life but left Stanford before finishing her master’s thesis because her boyfriend was called up to serve in World War II.
EUREKA LETTER: The original letter Albert Einstein wrote to FDR warning the president about Germany’s nuclear advancement is up for sale, should you want something to break out at a party to immediately kill the vibe.
DEATH BY NOODLES: Cup Noodles released a new flavor of ramen—pufferfish. The delicacy can easily cost over $100 at Japanese restaurants, while the noodles cost only $1.90. That’s still a high price to pay for something that could kill you, since pufferfish are poisonous and, if not prepared properly, cause death.
DEFINITELY USEFUL MULTIVITAMINS: You can stop lying to your mom that you take your multivitamin everyday. A new study found no indication that a daily multivitamin or other supplements improves longevity, so you can fill that space in your pantry with more bags of Cheetos.—CC
Morning Brew delivers quick and insightful updates about the business world every day of the week from Wall St. to Silicon Valley.
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