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On Thursday, March 28, Moulton Police Officer Ricky Herrera was dispatched to a local business in Moulton after illegal drugs were reportedly found inside its building.
Upon arrival, Herrera was informed that employees had discovered a black bag left at one of their workstations.
Inside the black bag were two plastic bags that contained marijuana and two smaller bags that each contained a substance that tested positive for methamphetamine.
After speaking with management, Herrera determined that the black bag of drugs was not at the location when the company’s employees left work the afternoon before.
The only person that had access to the building after the business closed was the person responsible for cleaning the location overnight.
After confirmed that the custodian, Shannon Marie Shuck, 44, had in fact been in the building between it closing on March 27, and reopening on March 28, Herrera obtained arrest warrants on Ms. Shuck for, possession of a controlled substance and possession of marijuana 2nd degree.
When Ms. Shuck arrived at work the next evening on March 28, Officer Herrera served the warrants on her and transported her to the Lawrence County Jail.
While Shuck was being booked into jail, a Corrections Deputy discovered another bag of methamphetamine on her. Herrera then charged Shuck with promoting prison contraband 2nd degree.
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