Popular Indian TV actress Rupali Ganguly joined the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday. Ganguly, who plays the lead in the hit primetime daily Anupama, addressed the press as she officially joined the BJP in New Delhi on Wednesday morning.
Popular Indian TV actress Rupali Ganguly joined the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) on Wednesday (May 1). Ganguly, who plays the lead in the hit primetime daily Anupama, addressed the press as she officially joined the BJP in New Delhi on Wednesday morning. Notably, India is in the middle of its general elections.
While speaking to the press, Ganguly said, “When I see this ‘Mahayagya’ of development, I feel that I should also take part in this. I need your blessings and support so that whatever I do, I do it right and good.”
Rupali was joined by political leaders Vinod Tawde and Anil Baluni at the press conference.
Ganguly, who gained fame playing Monisha in the cult comedy series Sarabhai vs Sarabhai, met PM Narendra Modi earlier in March. Rupali took to her Instagram account and revealed she met the Prime Minister. She said she experienced a mix of nervousness and excitement.
#WATCH | Actress Rupali Ganguly joins BJP at the party headquarters in Delhi
She says, “…When I see this ‘Mahayagya’ of development, I feel that I should also take part in this…I need your blessings and support so that whatever I do, I do it right and good…” pic.twitter.com/x7pT7oq0xB
#WATCH | Actress Rupali Ganguly joins BJP at the party headquarters in Delhi. pic.twitter.com/CjRafwFd3W
“A day I will not stop reliving in my mind and feel euphoric about! It was the day my dream came true…that of meeting our Honourable PM Shri Narendra Modiji @narendramodi. It was indeed a fan-girl moment! For 14 years I probably manifested the hour and more that I got to share the stage with him on such a huge platform that he has created for the remarkable digital content creators which shall not only be most coveted in the future but also an award that endorses Modijis vision of a digitally global India @mygovindia,” she said on Instagram.
“Shri Modi Ji’s name fills the heart of every Indian with pride and standing beside him, I couldn’t be prouder.
What more could anyone ask for than to share moments with the man who has changed the position of our country in the global economy and made every Indian stand tall with pride on every soil we step foot on. A huge thank you and a huge round of applause to the fantastic team of Content Creators awards who pulled off this huge event in the minimum possible time and kudos to my fellow eminent Jury members @prasoonjoshilive … it was wonderful associating with the gentlemen. I’m a proud Modi Bhakt forever and this one shall be my most cherished #fanmoment,” Rupali added.
It is unclear if Ganguly will be contesting elections in the Lok Sabha Poll 2024 or if she will be a star campaigner for the party in some of its key areas.
Rupali joined the league of Kangana Ranaut, Arun Govil and more, who joined the BJP this year.
Shomini has written on entertainment and lifestyle for the most part of her career. While writing on cinema remains her first love, her other interest lies in top