Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Market data provided by <a href="https://www.factset.com/">Factset</a>. Powered and implemented by <a href="https://www.factset.com/solutions/business-needs/digital-solutions">FactSet Digital Solutions</a>. <a href="https://www.factset.com/privacy">Legal Statement</a>. <br>This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ©2025 FOX News Network, LLC. All rights reserved. <a href="https://help.foxbusiness.com/hc/en-us/sections/4405278462107-FAQ">FAQ</a> - <a href="/privacy-policy">New Privacy Policy</a><br>Check out what's clicking on FoxBusiness.com.<br>A recent study found that a scenic state in the Southeast became the most popular place to move to in 2024, <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/texas-florida-remain-top-destinations-movers-2022-uhaul-says" target="_blank" rel="noopener">according to U-Haul</a>.<br>The moving and storage company recently published its <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/u-haul-says-some-customer-names-drivers-license-numbers-exposed-data-breach" target="_blank" rel="noopener">U-Haul Growth Index,</a> which measures how many customers use one-way U-Haul equipment each year. South Carolina, 2024's winner, knocked Texas, which topped the list over the past few years, from the top spot.<br>"Growth rankings are configured by each state’s net gain (or loss) of customers utilizing one-way U-Haul equipment in a calendar year," the study explained. "The U-Haul Growth Index is compiled from well over 2.5 million one-way U-Haul truck, trailer and U-Box® moving container transactions that occur annually."<br>Here were the least-to-most popular states to move to in 2024, according to U-Haul:<br><a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/study-ranks-us-states-most-financially-distressed-residents-see-list" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><u>STUDY RANKS US STATES WITH MOST FINANCIALLY-DISTRESSED RESIDENTS – SEE THE LIST</u></strong></a><br><span>A popular southern state topped the U-Haul Growth Index last year, a study found.</span><span> (Getty Images / iStock / Getty Images)</span><br>50. California<br>49. Massachusetts<br>48. New Jersey<br>47. New York<br>46. Pennsylvania<br>45. Illinois<br>44. Louisiana<br>43. Michigan<br>42. Maryland<br>41. Connecticut<br>40. Colorado<br>39. Mississippi<br>38. Rhode Island <br>37. New Mexico<br>36. Wyoming<br>35. Nevada<br>34. Oregon<br>33. New Hampshire<br>32. Kansas<br>31. North Dakota<br>30. West Virginia<br>29. Nebraska<br>28. Missouri<br>27. Alaska<br>26. Hawaii<br>25. Kentucky<br>24. Montana<br>23. Iowa<br>22. Wisconsin<br>21. Delaware<br><a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/us-airports-rank-highest-customer-satisfaction" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><u>THESE US AIRPORTS RANK HIGHEST FOR CUSTOMER SATISFACTION</u></strong></a><br>20. Vermont<br>19. South Dakota<br>18. Minnesota<br>17. Virginia<br>16. Alabama<br>15. Georgia<br>14. Ohio<br>13. Maine<br>12. Arkansas<br>11. Oklahoma<br>10. Idaho<br>9. Utah<br>8. Indiana<br>7. Washington<br><a href="https://www.foxnews.com/newsletters?cmpid=fnfirstnl" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><u>CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR LIFESTYLE NEWSLETTER</u></strong></a><br>6. Arizona<br>5. Tennessee<br>4. Florida<br>3. North Carolina<br>2. Texas<br>1. South Carolina<br>Though Texas still ranks high, U-Haul noted that the Palmetto State actually dethroned Texas from its first-place position last year.<br>"Texas has ranked first or second among U-Haul Growth States each year since 2016," the company noted. "Florida has been fourth or higher every year since 2015."<br><span>U-Haul moving truck parked in a suburban neighborhood in San Ramon, Calif.</span><span> (Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images / Getty Images)</span><br>"Of all the U-Haul movers coming and going from the Palmetto State in 2024, more than 51.7% were arrivals," the company added.<br>In a statement, U-Haul International president J.T. Taylor said that 2024's state-to-state transactions "reaffirm customer tendencies that have been pronounced for some time."<br>"Migration to the Southeast and Southwest continues as families gauge their cost of living, job opportunities, quality of life and other factors that go into relocating to a new state," Taylor said. "Out-migration remains prevalent for a number of markets across the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast — and particularly California."<br><a href="https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><i><strong><u>For more Lifestyle articles, visit foxnews.com/lifestyle.</u></strong></i></a><br>"U-Haul continues to expand its network, rental fleet and self-storage footprint so that wherever people move in 2025, we will be there to meet their needs," he added.<br>The uptick in migration to Southern states is not surprising given other recent studies. Last year, the National Association of Realtors' <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/top-states-americans-moving-dominated-south" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>2024 Migration Trends report</u></a> also found that Southern states were the most popular areas to move to.<br><span>A U-Haul moving truck parked in a residential area in San Jose, Calif.</span><span> (Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images / Getty Images)</span><br><a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/apps-products" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong><u>GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE</u></strong></a><br>Interestingly, only 1% of those who migrated south did so because of the weather, according to the report. Meanwhile, 42% of the Americans who moved to a different state cited housing-related reasons, while 26% did so for family reasons and 16% jumped borders for <a href="https://www.foxbusiness.com/category/jobs" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><u>employment reasons</u></a>.<br><a href="https://www.uhaul.com/Articles/About/U-Haul-Growth-States-Of-2024-South-Carolina-Tops-List-for-First-Time-33083/" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener"><u>Click here</u></a> to read the U-Haul study's full findings.<br><i>Fox Business' Breck Dumas contributed to this report.</i><br><br>Get a brief on the top business stories of the week, plus CEO interviews, market updates, tech and money news that matters to you.<br>We've added you to our mailing list.<br>By clicking subscribe, you agree to the Fox News <a href="https://www.foxnews.com/privacy-policy" target="_blank">Privacy Policy</a> and <a href="https://www.foxnews.com/terms-of-use" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a>, and agree to receive content and promotional communications from Fox News. You understand that you can opt-out at any time. <br> Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. Market data provided by <a href="https://www.factset.com/">Factset</a>. Powered and implemented by <a href="https://www.factset.com/solutions/business-needs/digital-solutions">FactSet Digital Solutions</a>. <a href="https://www.factset.com/privacy">Legal Statement</a>. <br>This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. ©2025 FOX News Network, LLC. 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