<br> <br>INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — On Sunday’s edition of “All INdiana Politics,” U.S. Rep. André Carson says cutting the federal workforce would result in major losses of services for little gain in savings.<br>Congressman Jim Banks defends reported plans to cut more than 80,000 jobs from Veterans Affairs would return it to the 2019 staffing levels. <br>Rep. Rudy Yakym, a Republican who represents north central Indiana, says Republicans plan to continue current funding levels through Sept. 30.<br>News 8’s Phil Sanchez brings in two members of Indiana’s best political team, Democrat Dana Black and Republican Ali Bartlett, to discuss federal building being listed for disposal, the Indiana Statehouse beginning debates on property taxes, and more.<br><em>“All INdiana Politics” airs at 9:30 a.m. Sundays on WISH-TV.</em><br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiiAFBVV95cUxObXlOVTYxaDlWdnNpVXkySVotYTdHVmJGTjlETEJWN1FxSkZUU3RxcnVPeFZWZ1FnaVVsSVZfbmRVYi03am1JbXloY09NVngtLWhWVi1KWGpsTGh3NWdxR1ljdzRyODNNM2JpdTVWb2thVFVTeS1RZjBUeFlaLUxvOXRraFlvNnZK?oc=5">source</a>