<br>INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — On Sunday’s edition of All INdiana Politics, News 8 government reporter Garrett Bergquist sits down with Don Knebel, the leader of ReCenter Indiana. According to the group’s <a href="https://www.facebook.com/recenterindiana/">Facebook</a> page, it is a political organization with a “group of concerned citizens alarmed by the divisiveness fracturing our state.” Knebel talks about the group’s campaign, urging Dems to vote in the GOP primary, who the group is backing, and much more.<br>Later in the show, Bergquist sits down with Jamison Carrier, an Indiana candidate for governor and businessman from Greenwood. Carrier talks about wanting tougher border security to prevent fentanyl deaths, his congressional run, fighting addiction, abortions bans, and much more. Carrier lost his son to fentanyl in 2022.<br>Last but not least, News 8 anchor Phil Sanchez brings in two members of Indiana’s political team, Democrat Arielle Brandy and Republican Whitley Yates, to discuss ReCenter Indiana’s primary push, Biden’s new loan deal, and Trump’s abortion about-face.<br><em>“All INdiana Politics” airs at 9:30 a.m. Sundays on WISH-TV.</em><br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiUmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndpc2h0di5jb20vbmV3cy9hbGxpbmRpYW5hcG9saXRpY3MvYWxsLWluZGlhbmEtcG9saXRpY3MtYXByaWwtMTQtMjAyNC_SAQA?oc=5">source</a>