“Bar Rescue,” a reality television series that follows hospitality industry expert Jon Taffer as he attempts to revitalize struggling bars and restaurants across the United States, has featured Arizona restaurants in the past — in Season 9 alone he visited three — one of which was an ill-fated Tucson sports bar called High Five Grille.
The show aims to help struggling bars improve their operations, rebrand and revitalize their business, but success isn’t guaranteed and various factors can contribute to a bar’s eventual failure.
While some bars thrive and find success after being featured on “Bar Rescue,” others face ongoing challenges that ultimately lead to closure, as was the case with Cinco Cantina, which closed permanently in January.
In Season 9 episode 5: “Low Five Dive,” High Five Grille, a Marana sports bar owned by Cathy Whaley, needed assistance after the establishment faced several challenges, including a malfunctioning walk-in fridge and financial losses amounting to approximately $8,000 per month. With Whaley’s lack of experience in running a bar or restaurant, these issues led to a significant accumulation of debt, leaving the business struggling to stay afloat.
The bar faced not only significant financial issues, but Taffer felt it also lacked distinguishing features, so the team provided staff training, redesigned the interior with a Southern Arizona theme and renamed the bar.
As part of the transformation, the bar was renamed Cinco Cantina, signaling a fresh start and a rebranding effort aimed at attracting more customers.
But even after remodeling the bar in November 2023, Cinco Cantina closed its doors permanently due to financial difficulties, with the landlord repossessing the building.
Whaley went on Facebook to announce the news: “It is with a heavy heart and great sadness that I must inform you that Cinco Cantina has closed its doors as of January 3rd, 2024. I want to thank all of my loyal customers for your patronage and support over the last few years. I have met so many great people and made some wonderful and lasting friendships. I will miss all of you but I know I will see some of you around town. Please continue to support all local area businesses. They rely on you to keep their doors open.”
Several bars in Arizona have been featured on the television show “Bar Rescue,” including:
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