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Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low around 20F. Winds light and variable..
Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. Low around 20F. Winds light and variable.
Updated: November 14, 2024 @ 9:59 pm
Vermont Community Newspaper Group
Sophie Barsalow and Lindsey Scott
Sophie Barsalow and Lindsey Scott
Partners Sophie Barsalow and Lindsey Scott opened Wellness 101 in Hardwick.
Wellness 101 is an umbrella space home to licensed wellness therapists, including Cecilia Leibovitz of Vermont Gravity Colonics, Loren Searles of Integrative Massage Therapy, Lindsey Scott of Alkaline Lindsey and Marie Turmel of Facial by Marie.
Wellness 101 is also home to The Open Space Studio where weekly yoga classes, workshops and events take place.
“Our mission is to serve the wellness needs of our community by offering a dynamic space with comprehensive wellness services that meet you at your starting point. You can access weekly yoga classes in person or online, one-on-one treatments with licensed therapists, as well as both ticketed and free events,” Barsalow said.
The name Wellness 101 comes in part from its address because it is located on the third floor of 101 South Main St. in downtown Hardwick. The name is also a nod to introductory 101 college course descriptions because the offerings at Wellness 101 are learning and experiential-based, suitable for those just starting to explore wellness, and those who have years of experience.
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