<br>Goldman Sachs is bringing its 10,000 Small Businesses initiative to Central Indiana. <br>Nicaela Chinnaswamy, a Director at Goldman Sachs says small business owners benefit from the program and they can use what they learn to add value to their local communities. “We’re excited to help more small businesses locally in Central Indiana.” <br>Chinnaswamy says the goal is to bring small businesses together so they can share and learn from each other. She says the program is for businesses of every size, who want to grow and scale. <br>The program will help business owners with everything from marketing, location growth, adding revenue sources, and more. The program will also give business advice with help from community partners and funding sources. Chinnaswamy says, “Being a small business owner can be lonely.” <br>The first Indianapolis cohort is accepting applications from local business owners until December. The program will launch in March 2025. To learn more and apply, visit<a href="https://onegs.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9NR7AulWvIjMwrI" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> https://onegs.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9NR7AulWvIjMwrI</a>. <br>Since 2022 InnoPower has partnered with Goldman Sachs to create access to capacity-building opportunities for Black business owners in Indiana. The main focus is to continue connecting Black business owners in Indianapolis to resources that help them grow. <br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMipwFBVV95cUxOZzdxNmNTUHhCZUFUTHJCbEhkVmwtVWRoWkFueFM3TDJUWXhrWGpfYVVndVhDUzItUnJBWWFnSEJubEZCNGo2WloxZmdpM0FuaUFWUElWSzlSSUtnTE1ESW40NHZUY2IwTUV6RVNaNHhDRTNpbkJDVnVoSkNPcnpWYndyallndVVUSXRvQWFsOTd2MTJFZnNFakwxN01QMUZjUFRacUxBaw?oc=5">source</a>