Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala made their relationship official with a surprise engagement announcement in August, shared as a joint post by both actors. Recently, Naga shared his first post featuring his fiancée since their engagement reveal, though notably with comments disabled. Since their engagement, Chaitanya’s fans have been quite surprised, and they had a lot to say; many made nasty comments about the new couple and did not take the sudden surprise well.
The new post shows the couple in coordinated black outfits. Naga sported a black leather jacket over a grey shirt, while Sobhita wore a sleeveless black top paired with loose-fitting jeans. They both donned black sunglasses for a mirror selfie taken in an elevator. Naga’s caption was brief, referencing the multi-Oscar-winning film: “Everything everywhere all at once.”
A post shared by Chay Akkineni (@chayakkineni)
Naga was previously married to Samantha Ruth Prabhu. They announced their separation via a joint statement on social media in October 2021.
This August, Naga’s father, actor Nagarjuna, announced his son’s engagement with Sobhita on social media, sharing images from the private ceremony held at their Hyderabad residence. The photos depicted the newly engaged pair in traditional attire – Naga in an off-white kurta-pyjama and Sobhita in a soft pink saree.
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During a media interaction at the launch of a wedding collection for a clothing brand, Naga discussed his marriage plans. He expressed a desire for an intimate ceremony that honours cultural traditions, stating, “Marriage is about the people who mean a lot to me. It doesn’t have to be a big fat wedding but people keeping up with the cultures and traditions in mind, so that’s how I want it (marriage) to be.”