The Louie Bluooze created by Nancy Marseo, general manager of Bryant’s on the Round, will be the featured cocktail at Lake Country DockHounds home games at Wisconsin Brewing Company Park in Oconomowoc.
The Louie Bluooze created by Nancy Marseo, general manager of Bryant’s on the Round, will be the featured cocktail at Lake Country DockHounds home games at Wisconsin Brewing Company Park in Oconomowoc.
When Nancy Marseo, general manager of Bryant’s on the Round in Okauchee was asked by her rep with Badger Liquor to create a special cocktail using Three Olives Blueberry Vodka, she went right to work. Maseo was one of six asked to create a cocktail.
What she ended up crafting will be the featured cocktail at Lake Country DockHounds’ home games at Wisconsin Brewing Company Park, 1011 Blue Ribbon Circle N in Oconomowoc.
Knowing she needed to have that blueberry-flavored vodka in the drink, Marseo said she did some research on what flavors would be complementary.
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Ultimately, her Louie Bluooze cocktail also incorporates lavender cocktail syrup, lemonade and mint. (Louie is the name of the DockHounds’ dog mascot.)
“It is just refreshing. For a hot game at the ballgame, people get sick of drinking beer,” Marseo said, adding, “People don’t want to drink anything too sweet.”
She has been serving Louie Bluooze at Bryant’s, and she said customers have enjoyed the carefully- crafted cocktail.
Bartending since she was 18 years old, Marseo said she enjoys making something new to offer customers.
“It’s fun. You get sick of doing the same old thing like whiskey and Coke,” she said.
Also, Marseo said the trend of mocktails also requires quite a bit of creativity with flavors.
But don’t rush into Bryant’s On The Round or to a DockHounds’ game just yet. The season home opener for the baseball team is May 10-12. Additionally, Bryant’s is closed from Monday through May 12 for some remodeling and menu changes. The restaurant will reopen May 13 at 3 p.m.
(Have a Waukesha County restaurant news tip? Email Katherine Beck at
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