12.05pm 19th March 2025 - <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/sponsorship-and-events/">Sponsorship & Events</a> <br>Brocket Hall’s championship Palmerston course will set the stage for the <a href="https://www.tickettailor.com/events/britishspeedgolf/1591028">2025 British Speedgolf Pairs Championship</a> on May 11, bringing speed, strategy, and teamwork to the forefront of this fast-paced sport. <br>Speedgolf is redefining the game, combining golf with an athletic challenge. The British Speedgolf Pairs Championship adds a social twist to the sport, with a foursome format where teamwork is crucial. Players will tee off at timed intervals, running through 18 holes before brunch! Pairs can be single-gender or mixed, featuring a diverse field of PGA Pros, amateurs, and runners of all abilities. <br>The Palmerston course at Brocket Hall promises both challenging golf and an intense physical test as players ditch buggies and run between shots. Success hinges on balancing precision with pace, as the final Speedgolf Score combines total strokes with total time. Many pairs will finish their round in under 60 minutes – some considerably faster.<br>British Speedgolf continues to push boundaries, hosting the only dedicated standalone Speedgolf Pairs event in the world. With this team format gaining traction globally, this championship is a one-of-a-kind spectacle in the British sporting calendar. <br><br><br>Alex Wright, Brocket Hall’s Business Development Manager, said: “Brocket Hall is delighted to host the 2025 British Speedgolf Pairs Championship on our Palmerston Course. This event aligns with our commitment to embracing innovative and dynamic formats in golf. We look forward to welcoming participants and spectators for a thrilling morning of Speedgolf.” <br>PGA Professional pairing of Luke Willett and Luke Bone, fresh off their World Speedgolf Championship team victory in Japan, will look to set the pace as they defend their British Speedgolf Pairs title. <br>Pam Painter of British Speedgolf added: “Speedgolf Pairs introduces a dynamic team element to this evolving sport. Speedgolf is fast, inclusive, and demands creativity. It’s the antithesis of slow play – where every second and every golf stroke count.” <br>Championship places are filling fast, with <a href="https://www.tickettailor.com/events/britishspeedgolf/1591028">registration</a> due to close at the end of March. Those wishing to try Speedgolf can book to join a <a href="https://www.tickettailor.com/events/golffit/1623397">GolfFit session</a> hosted by Luke Willett and Chris Fitt on the Palmerston course at Brocket Hall on<strong> </strong>April 4. <br>The PGA of GB&I has announced the first PGA Excel awardees of 2025, with four PGA Members achieving Advanced Fellow status and 12 others earning designations within the membership categories of Professional, Coach and Manager.<br>The Loop, the newly formed PR and Marcomms agency, has unveiled its initial client list of 18 social media influencers and creators which cover a wide range of content niches in the game.<br>Faced with the challenges of sandy soil and bunker erosion, Kings Lynn Golf Club in Norfolk has employed synthetic bunker experts EcoBunker to meet their ongoing maintenance challenges. Now in the third phase of a 40-bunker renovation project, the team and members at Kings Lynn are already enjoying the benefits that the EcoBunker system brings […]<br><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/sponsorship-and-events/brocket-hall-to-host-2025-british-speedgolf-pairs-championship/" rel="noopener" data-via="eGolfBusiness" data-hashtags="GolfBusinessNews">Share on Twitter</a> <br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/sponsorship-and-events/brocket-hall-to-host-2025-british-speedgolf-pairs-championship/&title=Brocket+Hall+to+host+2025+British+Speedgolf+Pairs+Championship%C2%A0&source=GolfBusinessNews.com" rel="noopener">Share on LinkedIn</a><br>GolfBusinessNews.com (GBN) is for the many thousands of people who work in the golf business all around the world.<br>We cover the full range of topics both on and off the course. 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