<a href="#mainContent">Skip to main content</a> <br> Key Takeaways <br> Key Takeaways <br>Airbnb and AMB Sports and Entertainment (AMBSE), parent company of the NFL’s Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta United of MLS, and the Mercedes Benz Stadium, today announced a first-of-its-kind partnership to support the City of Atlanta in welcoming visitors for major upcoming events and driving economic growth across Atlanta. The partnership comes as Atlanta prepares to host a number of global events in the coming years. <br>Together with AMBSE, Airbnb will organize a series of community engagement initiatives that offer training and resources to empower current and prospective hosts, as well as local entrepreneurs and small businesses, to capitalize on Atlanta’s status as a premier event destination. Today, the partnership kicked off the latest installment of the <a href="https://www.airbnb.com/e/academy-us">Airbnb Academy</a>—“Atlanta Unlocked”—to educate local residents about the economic opportunities of hosting during major events. <br>The Airbnb Academy aims to provide individuals from all communities a pathway to entrepreneurship by becoming hosts on Airbnb. The Academy has been operating in Atlanta since 2019, working with local partners like the <a href="https://news.airbnb.com/rice-and-airbnb-bring-the-entrepreneurship-academy-to-atlanta/">Russell Innovation Center for Entrepreneurs</a> (RICE), the <a href="https://naacp.org/">NAACP,</a> and <a href="https://thevillagemarket.com/">The Village Market</a> to equip individuals with the skills to become a successful host on Airbnb and gain a range of transferable skills.<br>“AMB Sports and Entertainment is dedicated to creating a lasting legacy through community impact. Our partnership with Airbnb is grounded in a shared belief that investing in communities drives meaningful change. Together, we’re empowering local entrepreneurs, supporting small businesses, and building opportunities that continue to benefit Atlanta long after the visitors are gone.”<br><cite>—Nana-Yaw Asamoah, Chief Commercial Officer, AMB Sports and Entertainment </cite><br>“Airbnb plays a critical role in helping cities meet the increased demand during major events, while ensuring that local residents and their communities directly benefit. Our partnership with AMB Sports and Entertainment exemplifies this commitment, and we look forward to turning big events into big opportunities for all Atlantans.”<br><cite>—Janaye Ingram, Director of Community Partner Programs and Engagement, Airbnb</cite><br>In addition to the partnership between Airbnb and AMBSE, Airbnb will help uplift the efforts of <a href="https://showcaseatlanta.com/">Showcase Atlanta</a>, an initiative introduced by Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens to maximize the economic impact of large-scale events for Metro Atlanta’s residents and local businesses.<br>“Innovative partnerships like that between Airbnb and AMB Sports and Entertainment help bring the vision of Showcase Atlanta to life. Not only will this partnership attract guests to our vibrant city, but it will also help ensure that communities across Atlanta benefit from the surge in tourism driven by these once-in-a-lifetime events like the World Cup, the largest sporting event in history.”<br><cite>—Norelie Garcia Valentin, CEO of Showcase Atlanta</cite><br>Joining forces with AMB Sports and Entertainment and Showcase Atlanta builds upon Airbnb’s long commitment to the Atlanta community. To date, Airbnb has invested over $2.5 million to increase economic opportunities for Atlanta residents and to support local organizations, including Atlanta-based nonprofits like Operation HOPE and Kindred Futures.<br>In 2023, we <a href="https://news.airbnb.com/brian-chesky-discusses-power-of-entrepreneurship-at-hope-global-forum/">joined</a> Operation HOPE’s <a href="https://operationhope.org/initiatives/1-million-black-businesses-partner/">1 Million Black Businesses initiative</a>, which aims to start, grow, and scale one million Black businesses in the United States by 2030. To further promote the economic benefits of hosting, we give current and prospective hosts in Atlanta and beyond access to Operation HOPE’s financial services tools, which provide critical insight and guidance for individuals who are starting a business or exploring new ways to earn extra income.<br>“At Operation HOPE, we’re dedicated to creating pathways to economic opportunity and financial dignity. Our continued partnership with Airbnb reflects a shared commitment to empowering local entrepreneurs, and we look forward to helping Atlantans leverage major events to build lasting wealth and strengthen small businesses across the city.”<br><cite>—Lance Triggs, Executive Vice President, Operation HOPE</cite><br>Earlier this year, we directed $50,000 to Kindred Futures through the <a href="https://news.airbnb.com/2025-community-fund/">Airbnb Community Fund</a>, a $100 million initiative to directly support local communities and the people who live there through 2030. <br>“Kindred Futures has leveraged and influenced more than $83 million for the Atlanta small business ecosystem. Airbnb’s generous funding bolsters our Talented 90th Campaign, a call-to-action campaign aimed to support economies that work for all and support people and places pushed to the economic fringes. We’re thankful for Airbnb’s support that will allow us to continue to partner with communities and support local economies that work for all across the American South.” <br><cite>—Dr. Janelle Williams, Co-Founder and CEO, Kindred Futures</cite><br>As Atlanta continues to attract world-class events, Airbnb’s work with AMB Sports and Entertainment, Showcase Atlanta, and Atlanta’s nonprofit ecosystem will help distribute the economic benefits beyond the stadium and fuel community-driven growth.<br> The Airbnb Newsroom is aimed at journalists. All Homes and Experiences referenced on the Airbnb Newsroom are intended purely to inspire and illustrate. Airbnb does not recommend or endorse specific Home or Experience listings on the Airbnb platform. <br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMixwFBVV95cUxOaXBvOHFEU1kwdUpSV1hzVUpPQzdTQXdhME9fa1YzZW93UmhiRFFfZl9MaDUzSFNjYklKU2ppaHNNOXJkUmI3bm5vNjlUTmdtMkNhekF0Rk5nTkJNWDV5WWJneWN6VzlMR211MXQzbGllRkloaDRjZFk1TUZZc3JhaUVxWGZwWjlzOE12ZnNGUHhpQ2R4R1VEdWdxajB0RVVLcDUwaUQ3VVJjMnV0Z1pIa1h6X21tT3hWM1VfTnJPclhrdUY1Ni1N?oc=5">source</a>