Donald Trump has been president for 56 days, and every one of those days – sometimes every hour – have felt like a news cycle unto themselves.
That’s par for the course for a Trump presidency, where sweeping policies are announced at a breakneck pace and rippling declarations implemented – only to be walked back or struck down in the hours and days that follow.
It’s a lot to keep up with, and media outlets like ours are here to help, giving you in-depth coverage and context beyond the day’s headlines.
But there’s no way around it: Trump is everywhere. We wanted to know: Are you tired of Trump? Are there areas of this administration where you’d like to see more coverage? Different coverage? We heard from readers across the country and the political aisle who say they feel overwhelmed, while others assure us they can’t get enough – and want more. Read their answers below, and visit usatoday.com/forum to participate in our next conversation.
I’m sometimes tired of Trump coverage. I don’t think the news media is covering him and the federal government too much, but I want to know what is being done to stop the reelected president.
Why isn’t what Donald Trump is doing being considered a coup? I have been sick to my stomach since he was sworn in and started bypassing Congress. What happened to checks and balances?
I am happy with the current opinion coverage. But I want to know how our democracy is going to survive this mess. How can we ever recover as a nation?
— Anita Lebel, Franklinton, North Carolina
No, I am not tired of Trump coverage. I would like to see LESS of the negative spin you constantly write referring to President Trump. Let’s go back to old school journalism and report the facts.
Cover the good things President Trump is doing for America. Making our country proud again. He won the popular vote, remember. I can’t take four years of negativity from USA Today.
— Jayne Gleisner, Lorain, Ohio
I’m sometimes tired of Trump coverage. But The ONLY way we can have any hope of getting back our democracy is for a free press to keep us informed.
I’m not the only one who is noticing something atrocious is happening every day! Are any of them civil servants? Don’t they have protection of some kind? I am horrified by Trump and his minions! He’s always been a terrible man. We held him back in 2020. How can we stop him now? Please keep reporting! But please also make an effort of finding as many answers along with your reporting. That’s what we’re lacking, I think.
In terms of opinion coverage, we need answers. We need to know what or who, if anything or anyone, can stop his rampage!
Can you get more interviews? I need to know why he is still around. Why are most of my countrymen voters wide-eyed and in awe of such a horrible man? I can only assume that they do not read anything negative – just all of his lies – spread by the media outlets that only want subscribers – most especially the ignorant ones. He is outrageous on purpose, I think, so that he is continually on the front page! He’s a horrible man. And everyone he’s given a job to is horrible! Someone save us!
— Nancy Jernigan, Tulsa, Oklahoma
I am not tired of Trump coverage. And I’d appreciate more positive reporting! Trump will be the greatest president to ever govern our republic! We’ve been saddled with crooks for many years! He doesn’t need this at this stage of his life! Wonderful family, intelligent wife and they love the USA! Be thankful you’re living at this time! Gonna take him four years to put our country back together!
I’d like to hear more about the past corruption of the last administration! Tell us the truth! You know it, but you don’t report it!
— Joseph DiGaetano, Marlton, New Jersey
I am sometimes tired of Trump coverage. And, yes, the news media is covering Trump and the federal government too much.
We need more coverage on what is he doing about INFRASTRUCTURE investment. In particular, what is he doing about highway infrastructure? Everywhere you look: poorly maintained, dangerous and congested roads.
In his 2020 State of the Union Address he devoted two sentences to infrastructure. Meanwhile, he spent 3 1/2 minutes bestowing the Medal of Freedom award to the undeserving RushLimbaugh!
— KC Green, Cornelius, North Carolina
I’m sometimes tired of Trump coverage. I want the facts and the solutions but I don’t want the hysteria pieces, which include hysterical opinion pieces.
Let the facts tell the story and I can decide what I think and feel. I support Trump and Elon Musk and the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE). I would love a final factual list of things eliminated and savings associated with them.
I don’t necessarily want more of less Trump coverage, but just the facts as they unroll.
I’m tired of the same Democrats yelling “constitutional crisis.” How about some opinion pieces or articles on: How did the government get so bloated? How could the government be downsized and still operate efficiently? Why are we the ATM of the world?
I don’t want my taxes paying for anything but food, clean water and basic medical needs for other nations. Not condos in Africa or LBGTQ programs. Why didn’t the media recognize and write about President Joe Biden’s decline earlier and better, why did they hide his aging issues? Who was actually running the government? Why can’t the Education Department go back to states? Pros and cons. Explore a national sales tax, except on food and health care, and how it could replace income tax, along with corporate taxes. Reduce or eliminate the IRS. Think outside the box and help Trump fund solutions instead of always creaming him.
— Kathy Hogan Van Mullekom, Virginia Beach, Virginia
I am tired of Trump coverage. I believe Trump has played the media like a fiddle, which gives coverage to trivial almost school-level reactions to irrelevant musings and grandstanding coverage to the outrageous, largely contributing to this tragic administration.
If the media reported NEWS and little else, that would be refreshing. His rants against his enemies are not and never were NEWS.
— Judith Hawk, Mesa, Arizona
I am not tired of Trump coverage. He is keeping campaign promises. We can’t continue on the path we’ve been on. There will be temporary pain for a permanent solution. It’s my opinion that you report about everything he does in a negative way. Long term – it’s good for America.
Are you investigating anything DOGE is finding? I’d like to hear more about how the previous administration wasted taxpayer dollars and put everyone except Americans first. Report more how illegal immigrants were living in shelters and hotels in New York while American citizens in North Carolina were living in tents after surviving Hurricane Helene. Report and explain why my tax dollars are supporting the rest of the world when Americans need help.
— Phillip Thomas, Senoia, Georgia