<a href="/football" class="sdc-site-localnav__header-title" data-role="nav-header" aria-controls="sdc-site-localnav-body" aria-expanded="false"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewbox="0 0 34 34" class="sdc-site-localnav__icon"> <path d="M6.02 12.67c. 23.45c. 9.193-.355.354-.354-.354-9.197-9.198-.484-.484c-.043.033-.09.07-.14.112-.204.168-.402.348-.59.536-.285.288-.446.553-.44.727z" /> </svg>Football </a> <br>NOW is an instant streaming service offering access to all 12 Sky Sports channels, every Sky Sports+ stream, and much more; You can watch all of Sunday's action with a NOW Day Membership - it starts immediately after purchase and lasts for 24 hours<br>Sunday 16 March 2025 00:59, UK<br>Sunday sees a bumper day of live sport and you can stream it all for under £15 with a NOW Day Membership.<br>Set those early alarms as the <strong>F1 season-opening Australian Grand Prix</strong> kicks off proceedings with a 4am race start, and the live action continues throughout the day up to 11pm.<br><strong>The Players </strong>will conclude on Sunday evening, while British No 1 Jack Draper faces the biggest match of his young tennis career in the <strong>Indian Wells </strong>final against Denmark's Holger Rune, with the contest set to begin at around 9pm.<br>The first major silverware of the men's English football season is on offer on Sunday afternoon when <strong>Liverpool meet Newcastle in the Carabao Cup final</strong> at Wembley, with kick-off at 4.30pm and build-up on <em>Sky Sports Football</em> from 3.30pm.<br>In the Premier League, <strong>Arsenal host Chelsea</strong> in a London derby at 1.30pm on <em>Sky Sports Premier League</em>, with the same channel showing <strong>Leicester City vs Manchester United</strong> at 7pm.<br>And in Scotland there is the small matter of the Old Firm as <strong>Celtic host Rangers</strong> on <em>Sky Sports Football </em>with a 12.30pm kick-off.<br>NOW is an instant streaming service offering access to all 12 Sky Sports channels, every <em>Sky Sports+</em> stream, and much more.<br>It's an app, so customers can sign up and stream instantly across over <a href="http://www.nowtv.com/devices?DCMP=ilc_skysports_explainerlink">60 devices</a>. It offers contract-free membership options, so customers can cancel anytime!<br>You can watch all of Sunday's action with a <strong><a href="http://www.nowtv.com/sports-purchase?DCMP=ilc_skysports_SEO_promo">NOW Day Membership for £14.99</a></strong>.<br>NOW Sports Day Membership starts immediately after purchase and lasts for 24 hours. It can't be paused.<br>Alternatively, you can choose a 6-Month Saver Membership or Flexible Month Membership. <a href="https://www.nowtv.com/sports-purchase?DCMP=ilc_skysports_SEO_promo"><strong>See the latest NOW TV membership prices</strong></a>.<br>You can watch on one device as standard, up to two devices at the same time with NOW Boost, or up to three devices at the same time with NOW Ultra Boost.<br>Upgrading to Boost means you can watch in Full HD, enjoy Dolby Digital 5.1 with your sound system or soundbar, get an extra device to stream on, and watch on-demand content ad-free.<br>Upgrading to Ultra Boost means you can watch in up to 4k UHD HDR, enjoy Dolby Atmos with your sound system or soundbar, get two extra devices to stream on, and watch on-demand content ad-free. Check device compatibility <a href="https://help.nowtv.com/article/what-are-boost-and-ultra-boost?DCMP=ilc_skysports_explainerlink"><strong>here</strong></a>.<br>To add Boost or Ultra Boost to your Sports Membership, head over to My Account section of the NOW website.<br><strong><a href="https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/13078979/now-sports-membership-q-a-how-do-i-stream-sky-sports-is-it-instant-is-there-a-contract">More information about NOW can be found here</a>.</strong><br>12.25am - Australian GP: Formula 2 Feature Race - live on Sky Sports F1<br>4am - The Australian GP - live on Sky Sports F1<br>7.15am - NRL: Bulldogs vs Titans - live on Sky Sports Action<br>12pm - European Open Pool semi-finals - live on Sky Sports Action<br>12.30pm - Scottish Premiership: Celtic vs Rangers - live on Sky Sports Football<br>12.30pm - Championship: Sheffield Wednesday vs Sheffield United - live on Sky Sports+<br>1pm - The Players Final Round - live on Sky Sports Golf<br>1.30pm - Premier League: Arsenal vs Chelsea - live on Sky Sports Premier League<br>2.30pm - Bundesliga: Bochum vs Eintracht Frankfurt - live on Sky Sports+<br>4.30pm - Carabao Cup Final: Liverpool vs Newcastle - live on Sky Sports Football<br>4.30pm - Bundesliga: FC Heidenheim 1846 vs Holstein Kiel - live on Sky Sports+<br>5.30pm - WTA Tennis: Indian Wells Final - live on Sky Sports Tennis<br>6.30pm - Bundesliga: Stuttgart vs Bayer Leverkusen - live on Sky Sports+<br>6.30pm - Netball Super League: Manchester Thunder vs Loughborough Lightning - live on Sky Sports Mix<br>6.30pm - European Open Pool final - live on Sky Sports Action<br>7pm - Premier League: Leicester City vs Manchester United - live on Sky Sports Premier League<br>8.30pm - ATP Tennis: Indian Wells Final - live on Sky Sports Tennis<br>Tom from Southampton became a millionaire for free with Super 6! Could you be the next jackpot winner? Play for free!<br> <a href="/" class="svg-logo site-footer__site-logo"> <img class="svg-logo__image" alt="Sky Sports" src="https://e0.365dm.com/tvlogos/channels/Sky-Sports-Logo.svg" onerror="this.onerror=null;this.src='https://e0.365dm.com/tvlogos/channels/Sky-Sports-Logo.png'"> </a> © 2025 Sky UK <br><br><a href="https://news.google.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?oc=5">source</a>