10.40am 13th March 2025 - <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/new-products/">New Products</a> <br>Golf bag brand <a href="http://For more details on BIG MAX's range of bags, visit bigmaxgolf.com/en/products/">BIG MAX</a> has taken the testing of its latest range of waterproof bags to new limits in a <a href="https://youtu.be/hxe9X-WQa2w?si=nxK_KsucEZfcPN48">new video</a> that it has been posted across social media platforms. <br>Filmed in the Valley of Falling Waters in Austria, BIG MAX sent its bags and two intrepid volunteers cascading down waterfall-covered rocks into the icy pools below. <br>The canyoning adventure put BIG MAX’s Aqua bags to the most extreme test, enduring six hours of extreme conditions as the pair navigated treacherous terrain and plunged through cascading waters. They faced immense water pressure, rugged friction, and wear and tear, all designed to simulate harsh conditions beyond typical golfing environments.<br>Despite being fully submerged in cold, powerful waterfalls, the AQUA IPX Tour and AQUA Dry Bag dried completely, with no sign of internal damage. The advanced waterproof materials did exactly what they were designed to do — protect, no matter the conditions.<br>What was even more impressive was the bags’ ability to endure the brutal friction and rough handling they had been put through. Despite constant abrasion from rocks and the intense wear and tear of the environment, there were no scratches or signs of deterioration. The new IPX material proved to be exceptionally resilient, standing strong against everything the mountain could throw at it.<br>And perhaps most importantly, the functionality of the bags remained intact. After hours of climbing, jumping and sliding, all zippers, straps, and pockets worked perfectly. Every feature of the bags performed flawlessly after the challenging day, proving that they were not only waterproof but also tough enough to handle the most extreme conditions imaginable.<br>For more details on BIG MAX’s range of bags, visit <a href="https://bigmaxgolf.com/en/products/">bigmaxgolf.com/en/products/</a><br>Resorts and clubs from across the UK & Ireland came together at The Double Tree by Hilton at Stadium MK last night [March 13], as 59club UK and Ireland recognised the outstanding venues, teams and individuals in the golf, leisure and spa industry.<br>St Andrews Links Trust is to stage a series disability golf coaching sessions at its golf academy in March and April as part of Scottish Golf’s new Community Disability Hub Programme. <br>Simulator technology company PLATFORM Golf has signed internationally renowned instructor Claude Harmon III as its newest global ambassador.<br><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/new-products/big-max-takes-golf-bag-testing-to-the-extreme/" rel="noopener" data-via="eGolfBusiness" data-hashtags="GolfBusinessNews">Share on Twitter</a> <br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/new-products/big-max-takes-golf-bag-testing-to-the-extreme/&title=BIG+MAX+takes+golf+bag+testing+to+the+extreme&source=GolfBusinessNews.com" rel="noopener">Share on LinkedIn</a><br>GolfBusinessNews.com (GBN) is for the many thousands of people who work in the golf business all around the world.<br>We cover the full range of topics both on and off the course. We aim to supply essential information both quickly and accurately in a format which is easy to use. We are independent of all special interest groups.<br><a style="font-weight: 600;" href="https://eepurl.com/bpOC9">Click here to sign up</a> for our free twice weekly golf industry news summary<br>View the <a class="gbn-latest-email" href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/weekly-emails/the-latest-news-from-gbn-42/">latest newsletter</a> here<br>5/7 High Street<br>Dorchester-on-Thames<br>Oxfordshire OX10 7HH<br>United Kingdom<br><a href="mailto:publisher@golfbusinessnews.com">publisher@golfbusinessnews.com</a><br>© 1999-2025 <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com">e.GolfBusiness.com Limited</a> | All Rights Reserved. | <a href="/privacy-policy/">GBN Privacy Policy</a> <br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimAFBVV95cUxOTTJ3bGNLVXpiMTRqSzBLa1UtVTFMRTFobWxyVHpKUE50Tl9YX0hGZDBiRWhXMTY5WWtpeGdzd2FUYXZZUTJpM2lRWnFuOEM4MWp2WjIxUEpvSlJkUWFjQjgyd0hQNDk4OUhfX1phS09SV2hBS1JxTENieWNpVUxDdGI2emdUZW4xY1lQZmtUeV9iMjdHQkxBXw?oc=5">source</a>