<a href="https://www.albanyschools.org/alert/1615513/magnet-pre-k-4-apps-due-friday"> <span> <img class="cs-alert-banner__item-image" src="/ui/themes/alert-important-icon-white.svg" alt="" /> MAGNET & PRE-K 4 APPS DUE FRIDAY! </span> </a> <br>The spring sports season officially begins on Monday, March 17 for City School District of Albany student-athletes in grades 9-12. All paperwork, including physical information, must be complete to participate. <a href="https://albany-ny.finalforms.com/"><strong>Register via Final Forms.</strong></a> <br>You can view practice schedules for each sport by clicking the hyperlink below:<br>Coaches will keep student-athletes and families appraised of adjustments to the practice schedule that will happen as the season proceeds. The competition schedule for spring sports is available <a href="https://www.schedulegalaxy.com/schools/433"><strong>on our website</strong></a>.<br>If you have additional questions, please contact the Athletics Department at (518) 475-6310.<br>Let's go Falcons!<br>This site provides information using PDF, visit this link to <a href="https://get.adobe.com/reader/" title="Download link opens in new window" target="_blank" tabindex="-1">download the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software</a>.<br><strong><span class="text-light">The mission of the City School District of Albany is to work in partnership with our diverse community to engage every learner in a robust educational program designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for success.</span></strong><span class="text-light"> </span><br><span class="text-light">The district serves about 8,800 students in 16 schools: 12 elementary schools, three middle schools and Albany High School, a comprehensive high school with a career and technical education center. The district also offers additional innovative academic opportunities for students in support of our vision, mission and goals.</span><br><span class="text-light">518-475-6000 | 1 Academy Park, Albany, NY 12207</span><br><br><a href="https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiwgFBVV95cUxOc3h0cDZuVkx1TE9tZGpVMHFIcFZoczZUQ2xsTmZFQ2ZRaDdHRWVENTBiM2ctRUQ3aklTLWFRdFlza3dUNkUzVkk2UmhOOUxyM1l4bGpHVjI3OHBpSHE3Y0FDdkN3dGxtbG9WWFRURTJoalNsa19qQkRwZUtVOHdwM2FiWl95YUV5WjFEZUNreDBteHNMX3B6djM1NnJmalh0RUNPRFprdWNfYkt2dnZUcmw1Z0tEekU1NWdxZmYyLWJvUQ?oc=5">source</a>