(All photos credit: X & IMDb)
Released in 2013, this movie is set in a post-apocalyptic future where Earth is abandoned after a devastating war with aliens, a perfect blend of action and stunning visuals.
This gripping film follows the world where humanity is facing extinction except there is one woman who is pregnant and a former activist is trying to save her.
Released in 2010, this amazing movie revolves around the story of a lone warrior who is travelling across the wasteland with a sacred book that holds the secret of humanity.
This very popular movie series follows a dystopian society where young people are forced to fight to the death in a televised event, a perfect blend of action, survival and gripping hero’s journey.
Released in 2009, this heart touching film revolves around the story of a father and his young son who are struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.
This staggering is set in a fascist-controlled Britain and follows the story of a V who fought against the oppressive regime,a perfect blend of political elements and action.
Released in 1999, this amazing sci-fi action thriller is about a hacker named Neo who discovered that the world is controlled by machines and he fought for humanity.
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