March 11, 2025

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In an interview with CBS Sports in late February, Dan Gavitt, the NCAA’s senior vice president of basketball, cautioned that while committees were studying the prospect of expanding the event, “this is definitely not a fait accompli. The recommendation to not expand the tournaments is absolutely a potential outcome here in the short-term.”
And yet, if there were a moment when expansion might make sense, it would be now. Sports are seen as one of the few properties that can continue to win the broad simultaneous audiences that advertisers and distributors continue to crave in the streaming era. As more one-time TV viewers convert to use of streaming services, they are increasingly watching programs at moments of their own choosing, making a big crowd harder to snare — and the economics of the media business more difficult to maintain.
Still, there is concern that a longer tournament might not generate the engagement executives would like. Adding more teams might mean starting March Madness earlier than has come to be the norm. That would require additional shifts in programming schedules, production crews and on-air sports teams — and some sort of guarantee that advertisers believed earlier rounds of play were worth supporting.
“If it’s something that makes sense for the fans and the tournament,” said Luis Silberwasser, CEO of TNT Sports, “we’ll be supportive.”

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