9.43am 10th March 2025 - <a href="https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/greenkeeping/">Greenkeeping & Agronomy</a> <br>Every blade of grass at <a href="https://westessexgolfclub.co.uk">West Essex Golf Club</a> is cut by a Baroness mower – the case for the last seven years and one that looks set to stay for the foreseeable future, according to Course Manager Paul Kimber. <br>The fleet currently consists of two LM315 greens mowers, two LM2700 fairways mowers, an LM331 for tees and a GM2810 rotary mower for roughs which the team say demonstrate outstanding reliability and cylinders which deliver an industry-leading quality of cut. <br>Paul has been at the parkland course on the outskirts of Epping Forest for 37 years, and in the top job since 2018. He explains that the origins of the club’s relationship with Baroness was very much a happy accident. <br>“We were welcoming a new head greenkeeper who purchased a suite of <a href="https://www.baronessuk.com">Baroness</a> machines, and then didn’t end up actually joining – leaving us with these mowers we knew very little about,” Pual says. “We started using it and that was it, we were sold straight away and have never looked at anything else since. Our team all have experience with various makes of mower and consider Baroness to not only be superior, but also at a more competitive cost point.” <br>In particular, Paul notes the quality of the cutting units. “These are just next level. You barely have to touch them to put them on cut, and they then stay on cut forever. They do not wear down easily, robust enough to cut through anything!” The robust theme continues, “The machines as a whole are well built and reliable. We like that everything is mechanical, not electronic, so we can keep on top of routine maintenance ourselves and not end up with graveyards of kit waiting for diagnostic testing or replacement parts.” <br>The fleet of cylinder and rotary mowers were supplied by dealer <a href="https://georgebrowns.co.uk/">George Browns Ltd</a> who, together with Stuart Gray at Baroness, have delivered second-to-none support and service. “They’re all a pleasure to deal with and go the extra mile to get answers or solutions to any questions we have. It’s just another reason why we’d never look anywhere else.”<br>Complimenting the mowers is a Baroness SP05A bunker rake which Paul admits the club could now not live without. “It’s one of those few machines where, if it broke today, we’d be ordering a new one tomorrow. We use this machine at least three times a week to brush and smooth the bunkers but, in addition, ours has a front blade which acts like a plough so we can use it for moving and spreading path material.”<br>He concludes, “Anyone who hasn’t thought to try a Baroness mower, get your hands on one and give it a try. You won’t be disappointed!” <br>Global sports and entertainment agency 54 has been shortlisted for Agency of the Year at the FEVO Sport Industry Awards<br>Pitch Wharf, the new flagship venue from indoor golf brand Pitch, has officially opened in the heart of London's financial district.<br>The event, the second of its type for Golf Accountancy Matters, bought together many of the 50-plus golf clubs that the company work with to discuss best practices in golf club accounting and bookkeeping, and to listen to the four guest speakers invited to talk at the conference.<br><a href="https://twitter.com/home?status=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/greenkeeping/baroness-makes-the-cut-at-west-essex/" rel="noopener" data-via="eGolfBusiness" data-hashtags="GolfBusinessNews">Share on Twitter</a> <br><a href="https://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url=https://golfbusinessnews.com/news/greenkeeping/baroness-makes-the-cut-at-west-essex/&title=Baroness+makes+the+cut+at+West+Essex&source=GolfBusinessNews.com" rel="noopener">Share on LinkedIn</a><br>GolfBusinessNews.com (GBN) is for the many thousands of people who work in the golf business all around the world.<br>We cover the full range of topics both on and off the course. 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