While some of these towns are truly vanished “ghosts,” some remnants linger of others. Here is a look at ghost towns of Montana.
Meagan Miller, Matthew Avard, Naomi Pocklington and Colin Pullman were promoted to associates at CWG Architecture + Interiors in Helena.
Meagan Miller
Miller is an interior designer who has been with the firm for eight years, a graduate of Helena College and the University of Montana.
Avard is a project architect at CWG where he manages projects from start to finish.
He is a graduate of North Dakota State University and has been with the firm for nine years.
Matthew Avard
Avard and Miller are members of Leadership Helena.
Naomi Pocklington
Pocklington has 12 years of experience as office manager at CWG, where she heads billing, operations and accounting efforts, among others.
Pullman has been with CWG for 12 years. He serves clients as a project manager, involved in all phases of a project.
Colin Pullman
All four will continue their respective duties while stepping into this leadership role as an associate. CWG Architecture + Interiors is at 650 Power St.
Any of the CWG associates can be reached at 406-443-2340.
St. Peter’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Interventional Pain Management Clinic Coordinator Veronica Anderson and Wound Care Nurse Angela Tacey received Daisy Awards for exceptional nurses.
Awardees are selected quarterly from nominations submitted by St. Peter’s patients, their families and colleagues.
Veronica Anderson, left, and Angela Tacey
Anderson works as the clinic coordinator in the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Interventional Pain Management Clinic, and the patient who nominated her commented on how helpful she is.
“Anderson is exceedingly helpful and highly organized, ensuring I am made aware of dates for upcoming procedures. She is prompt in replying to all the messages I send through the portal, so I don’t have to repeatedly check for a response,” said the patient.
Tacey is a wound care nurse who cares for hospitalized patients.
The colleague who nominated her wanted to recognize her compassion and dedication in helping change a complicated wound VAC in the Emergency Department (ED) on her day off.
“The ED staff were beyond grateful and impressed with Angela’s Selflessness,” said the colleague who nominated her.
The award was established to honor the work nurses do to care for patients and families daily. It is presented in collaboration with the American Organization of Nurse Executives. St. Peter’s Health Administration and staff select the winner from those nominated.
Recipients receive a certificate and a Healer’s Touch sculpture, which is hand-carved by artists of the Shona Tribe in Africa.
St. Peter’s Health has again been recognized a Top 100 Rural & Community Hospital by The Chartis Center for Rural Health.
This award highlights outstanding performance among the nation’s rural hospitals, based on the Chartis Rural Hospital Performance Index.
St. Peter’s Health in Helena
Now in its 15th year, the index stands as the industry’s most comprehensive and objective evaluation of rural hospital performance. By leveraging publicly available data, it serves as a vital tool for rural hospitals, health systems, hospital associations and state offices of rural health to assess and enhance performance in key operational and financial areas.
St. Peter’s Chief Executive Officer Wade Johnson believes this recognition reflects the team’s shared dedication to meeting the needing the needs of its community.
“St. Peter’s has been serving Helena and the surrounding areas for over a century, even before Montana became a state in 1889. As we embark on the next one hundred years, our promise is to serve every patient, every person, every time with outstanding hospitality, compassionate care, and top-notch clinical outcomes,” said Johnson.
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While some of these towns are truly vanished “ghosts,” some remnants linger of others. Here is a look at ghost towns of Montana.
Veronica Anderson, left, and Angela Tacey
St. Peter’s Health in Helena
Colin Pullman
Matthew Avard
Meagan Miller
Naomi Pocklington
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