By <a class="c-link lrv-a-unstyle-link" href="https://www.sportico.com/author/eben-novy-williams/" > Eben Novy-Williams</a> <br>Deputy Editor<br> When Florida State athletics was courting private equity money in August 2023, the school built out a 28-page model projecting its finances through 2043. For revenue from conference media deals, the department’s biggest source of income, the Seminoles projected $44.4 million in 2024 and $49.9 million in 2025, followed by a large jump to $78.9 million in 2026.<br> I first saw <a rel="noreferrer noopener" target="_blank" href="https://www.sportico.com/leagues/college-sports/2024/fsu-project-osceola-private-equity-jp-morgan-1234764861/" >the document</a> in January 2024, shortly after the school’s board voted to try to sue its way out of the <a href="https://www.sportico.com/t/acc/" id="auto-tag_acc_1" data-tag="acc" >ACC</a>. It seemed clear at the time that Florida State officials believed one of two things would happen: 1) The Seminoles would leave the ACC for a richer conference, or 2) The ACC would agree to give it a <em>much</em> larger share of its <a href="https://www.sportico.com/t/espn/" id="auto-tag_espn_1" data-tag="espn" >ESPN</a> TV deal. <br> This week the school negotiated its answer—the latter—via a <a rel="noreferrer noopener nofollow" target="_blank" href="https://theacc.com/news/2025/3/4/general-acc-clemson-and-florida-state-settle-litigation.aspx" >wide-ranging settlement</a> with its current league. In exchange for dropping their lawsuits and their active attempts to bolt for greener pastures, Florida State and Clemson (and the rest of the ACC) have agreed to a new revenue distribution model that will reward the members that drive the most viewership. It’s a concession not just to FSU and Clemson but also to a handful of other ACC schools, such as UNC and Miami, that might also have entertained new leagues in the coming years. <div class="admz" id="adm-inline-article-ad-1"> <div class="adma boomerang" data-device="Desktop" data-width="300"> <div style="min-width:300px;min-height:275px;" class="pmc-adm-boomerang-pub-div ad-text" data-priority="10" > <div id="gpt-sprt-dsk-tab-midarticle-uid0" class="adw-300 adh-250" data-is-adhesion-ad=""> <script type="application/javascript">
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