Ty Pinkins is quickly becoming a perennial candidate for the Mississippi Democratic Party.
House Homeland Security Committee chairman Mark Green applauded the flurry of immigration restrictions Trump imposed on his first day in office.
Magnolia Tribune brings you a Bill of the Day for the 2025 Mississippi legislative session that just may pique your interest.
Important state and national stories, market and business news, sports and entertainment, delivered in quick-hit fashion to start your day informed.
The more zealous we are, the more we can expect to be attacked by the ruffians of hell.
The projects could transform how the rest of the country sees Mississippi and perhaps more importantly, how Mississippians see themselves.
Columnist Bill Crawford writes that it will be interesting to see if Reeves, Hosemann and White can reach agreement on how much to cut in taxes.
Wilson Golden draws strong parallels between the political careers of William Winter and Jimmy Carter.
MTAG was designed to help residents afford education beyond high school, but in its current form MTAG explicitly excludes many students.
Innovate Mississippi CEO Tony Jeff said gener8tor “brings the experience and resources needed to elevate Mississippi’s innovation landscape.”
States across the country are moving to establish a framework for the responsible use and deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies within state government, while also balancing innovation with ethical standards and public accountability.
The company is investing over $21 million to expand their operations in Mississippi.
A top priority for the funds is establishing the MAIN AI Hub on the Gulf Coast.
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