<a href="https://www.sportico.com/t/arctos-partners/" id="auto-tag_arctos-partners_2" data-tag="arctos-partners" >Arctos Partners</a> said its second sports team investment fund has amassed more than $4.1 billion, as the private equity group announced the closing of the capital raising for the vehicle Tuesday.<br> “Our vision when we founded Arctos was to build a firm that was the partner of choice for the most sophisticated ownership groups in the world who had a big ambition to grow their platform and serve their fans,” Arctos co-founder Ian Charles said in a phone call. “We also want to be the partner of choice for institutional investors who want to invest into the very unique asset class. And this fundraise is an important milestone for us because it validates that we have done that for both.” <br> Arctos opened its second sports fund about two years ago, <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.sportico.com/business/finance/2022/arctos-sports-launches-second-fund-1234674530/" target="_blank">quickly raising</a> an initial billion dollars with investment from half of the first sports funds’ investors, <em>Sportico</em> reported at the time. Today, about 30% of the second fund’s assets have been invested, including in <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.sportico.com/business/sales/2022/arctos-buys-utah-jazz-stake-1234686259/" target="_blank">the Utah Jazz</a>; an <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.sportico.com/business/team-sales/2023/arctos-hbse-investment-again-1234732335/" target="_blank">upsized stake</a> in Harris Blitzer Sports Entertainment, the owner of New Jersey Devils and Philadelphia 76ers; Paris Saint-Germain F.C.; and the <a rel="noreferrer noopener" href="https://www.sportico.com/business/finance/2023/aston-martin-f1-team-arctos-partners-investment-1234746930/" target="_blank">Aston Martin</a> Aramco Formula 1 Team. <div class="admz" id="adm-inline-article-ad-1"> <div class="adma boomerang" data-device="Desktop" data-width="300"> <div style="" class="pmc-adm-boomerang-pub-div ad-text" data-priority="10" > <div id="gpt-sprt-dsk-tab-midarticle-uid0" class="adw-300 adh-250" data-is-adhesion-ad=""> <script type="application/javascript">
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