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They are also in place in San Mateo, Redwood City and Burlingame. South City has also been discussing creating a <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/news/local/crumbling-roads-may-get-biotech-to-pay-more-tax-in-south-san-francisco/article_dd563b70-7244-11ef-a8bb-c7e9af9d4db0.html" target="_blank">community facilities district</a> in an area east of Highway 101 — which includes a substantial life science presence — where property owners may approve an additional tax to help fund transportation infrastructure efforts.<br>If approved, downtown business license holders, not property owners, could use the additional funds — ranging from a $200,000 to $300,000 budget per recent estimates — toward cleanup and safety efforts, as well as on marketing and events<br>“Really what this allows you to do is have a voice that can liaise with public agencies and partners but also more effectively improve property values, increase sales, reduce crime, enhance physical appearance and really start sprucing up the downtown for it to be more inviting,” said Nathan Ulsh, partner at Community Strong Strategies.<br>As currently proposed, the district would include Grand Avenue up to Spruce Avenue, as well as Linden Avenue in between Baden and Aspen avenues.<br>“It doesn’t mean that we are removing police officers and bringing in Allied Security … but as we have seen in many programs that we have initiated, we are essentially starting the pilot, we initiate and start the program but then we transfer it over to an entity, an agency, a nonprofit, that will then carry it on, as we have seen with the Economic Advancement Center,” Mayor Eddie Flores said.<br>Councilmember James Coleman said he could be in favor of eventually leaving part of the area closed to vehicles, similar to San Mateo’s downtown.<br>“Maybe we find some sort of medium where maybe one day a week we close a portion of Grand and Linden and open it up more to foot traffic. I think the business would really appreciate it,” he said.<br>Staff plans to finalize a draft by the end of the year and begin the public hearing process in 2026.<br><a href="mailto:alyse@smdailyjournal.com">alyse@smdailyjournal.com</a><br>(650) 344-5200 ext. 102<br><a href="mailto:alyse@smdailyjournal.com" target="_blank">alyse@smdailyjournal.com</a><br>(650) 344-5200 ext. 102<br> Only subscribers can view and post comments on articles. <br> Already a subscriber? <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/users/login/">Login Here</a> <br>Daisy <a href="/calendar/daisy/event_98603526-ca27-11ef-8399-ebbc682dd6af.html" class="tnt-asset-link read-more-link" aria-label="Daisy">Read more<span class="sr-only">Daisy</span></a><br>Inviting our Neighboring Community to the IHM STREAM Carnival & Open House, January 24, … <a href="/calendar/ihm-stream-carnival-open-house/event_26afd084-b9de-11ef-b761-93b36e8c0b7a.html" class="tnt-asset-link read-more-link" aria-label="IHM STREAM Carnival & Open House">Read more<span class="sr-only">IHM STREAM Carnival & Open House</span></a><br>Public roller skating event for all ages and all abilities. 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CY Danceworks is ope… <a href="/calendar/cy-danceworks-open-house-bring-the-family--free-dance-classes-food-games-face-painting/event_2900f3de-cde0-11ef-91ca-d74d5c96b463.html" class="tnt-asset-link read-more-link" aria-label="CY Danceworks Open House: Bring the Family -Free Dance Classes, Food, Games, Face Painting & More">Read more<span class="sr-only">CY Danceworks Open House: Bring the Family -Free Dance Classes, Food, Games, Face Painting & More</span></a><br>Come See Our Studio, Enjoy Free Demo Dance Classes for Kids & Adults, Play Games!, Grub … <a href="/calendar/family-fun-free-dance-classes-food-games-last-chance-to-dance-open-house/event_2583a9aa-cbb4-11ef-b0fe-07b8dd035c31.html" class="tnt-asset-link read-more-link" aria-label="FAMILY FUN! Free Dance Classes, Food & Games! Last Chance to Dance Open House!">Read more<span class="sr-only">FAMILY FUN! Free Dance Classes, Food & Games! Last Chance to Dance Open House!</span></a><br>JOIN US FOR A COMMUNITY GATHERING! <a href="/calendar/millbrae-senior-showcase/event_1fa995be-cdec-11ef-b186-2bca346fa92b.html" class="tnt-asset-link read-more-link" aria-label="Millbrae Senior Showcase">Read more<span class="sr-only">Millbrae Senior Showcase</span></a><br> <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/users/profile/Not So Common"> <strong>Not So Common</strong> </a> said: <br> <a href="/opinion/columnists/wildfires-could-clobber-economy-as-state-recovers-from-a-pandemic-recession/article_66c4667e-d475-11ef-ba78-3fd216593e8e.html"> <strong>View more</strong> </a> <br> <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/users/profile/Not So Common"> <strong>Not So Common</strong> </a> said: <br> <a href="/opinion/guest_perspectives/the-table-black-americans-set-for-all-to-eat-from-a-call-to-action-for/article_9c8a9724-d53d-11ef-95d2-df9833d9e3c4.html"> <strong>View more</strong> </a> <br> <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/users/profile/Mike Caggiano"> <strong>Mike Caggiano</strong> </a> said: <br> <a href="/opinion/columnists/hole-that-will-be-draeger-s/article_6674baac-d475-11ef-aac6-6b5eb61d1dbc.html"> <strong>View more</strong> </a> <br> <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/users/profile/NancyG"> <strong>NancyG</strong> </a> said: <br>Words matter amd so does history.<br> <a href="/opinion/guest_perspectives/the-table-black-americans-set-for-all-to-eat-from-a-call-to-action-for/article_9c8a9724-d53d-11ef-95d2-df9833d9e3c4.html"> <strong>View more</strong> </a> <br> <a href="https://www.smdailyjournal.com/users/profile/NancyG"> <strong>NancyG</strong> </a> said: <br> <a href="/opinion/guest_perspectives/the-table-black-americans-set-for-all-to-eat-from-a-call-to-action-for/article_9c8a9724-d53d-11ef-95d2-df9833d9e3c4.html"> <strong>View more</strong> </a> <br> <strong>Success!</strong> An email has been sent to <strong><span class="user-email"></span></strong> with a link to confirm list signup. <br> <strong>Error!</strong> There was an error processing your request. <br>If it breaks, we'll send it to you.<br>Join this email list to be kept abreast of breaking news.<br><strong>Sign up today!</strong><br>Wake up to our carefully curated list of headlines with the Daily Journal's daily newsletter.<br>All the top stories -- local news, local sports, lifestyle, opinions, obituaries, entertainment, plus regional/national/global info to keep you informed. 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